November 18, 2011

Parents Have Digital Access to Teachers

Parents Have Digital Access to Teachers

The first 9 weeks report cards have been distributed.
Parents need to know where to go for information to
help their child or children if they are not
meeting with academic success. Technology is available
now to connect parents with educators so they are
informed on how to address learning or behavioral
challenges. Social media is providing access to educators
that was at one time not available, but parents are
accountable in using their access to social media
to help their children not just for social contacts
but in more productive avenues.

The Internet and social media has made a genuine
presence for gaining information that is current
and flexible in its content (information).

The 2011/2012 school year started with online tools
that parents can use to connect with teachers.
Access through technology has enabled parents
and guardians to digitally reach out and communicate
with teachers. Parents will have questions throughout
the school year relevant to the progress and success
of their children in the DCPS school system. One of
the best ways to gain information is through the Internet
using a multiplicity (geek term) of multitasking
(another geek term) digital resources.

These resources include;
Facebook , Twitter, LinkedIn, Youtube, Flickr, dcpsTV,
Parent Portal,dcpsNews, Parent Link,
These are distinctive and effective forms of
communication for parents and the community in
this digital age of social media.

The ability of parents to contact teachers and gain
school related information is aided by technologies
that teachers have access to in their schools and
classrooms. No longer are teachers inaccessible
during the school day, technology allows parents
and teachers to keep open the lines of communication
that were once limited to notes home in bookbags
and phone calls which at times delayed replies.
Teachers need to understand that school email
accounts are of public access and their content
(emails) are stored on a server. That information
never goes away and can be used later. The
opportunity to communicate had a very narrow
window at best with traditional paper/pencil/pen notes.

Parents are encouraged to use digital devices;
computers, smart phone, Pads,etc to obtain
information on related school issues. Facebook
pages, and Youtube videos can disseminate
important information and archive (save) information
for future use. There is now access that you
(the parent) can connect, download, interact,
listen, view, search and integrate with your
dailey routine as a responsible
and accountable parent.

Dates, times, locations and directions for
meetings, school activities and events can
easily be accessed by logging in or accessing
online content. Duval County Public School
learning started the FIRST DAY of school and
so was the accessibility of information to
start the learning process.

Report cards are an indicator if your child(ren)
need tutoring services, extra help, makeup
work or if there are learning challenges. DCPS
has incorporated various technologies that
provide current news and information throughout
the district to help students accomplish success.

Questions can be answered by visiting
and clicking on Student and Parent information
links to learn more. There are multiple ways to
exchange information besides
web site, there is also access through Facebook,
Twitter, LinkedIn, Duval County Public Schools
Television ( dcpsTV), dcpsNews, dcps Parent Portal,
ParentLink, Youtube, Flickr.

Parents are learning the importance of accessing
information about their child in school through
Virtual Information Environments (VIE). Social
media has proven its value in sharing information
on multiple platforms that are SoLoMo or Social
Local Mobile capabilities. The growing trend is
to use smart phones and interactive pads with
WiFi to gain information that is graphical
and interactive. Increased numbers of parents
and children access information from their cell
phones. These numbers are shown by service
providers such as TMobile, AT&T, MetroPCS,
Sprint, and Verizon.

Understanding the social media concept of
SOLOMO (Social access through social media,
Local access to information, Mobile access
with mobile technology(SOLOMO). Parents
quickly apply their mobile skills when accessing
digital content from online sites. The concept
of SOLOMO allows parents to use the available
technology to
1. So – socially connect with family and friends,
2. Lo – locally stay connected to the social
environment and local information
3. Mo – mobile access with technology that allows
for continued and importantly uninterrupted service.

A breakdown of services to access DCPS for parents:

If links are not highlighted, copy and paste into
a new browser for access:
Facebook -
Twitter -
LinkedIn –
Duval County Public Schools Television (dcpsTV)
Flickr –
dcps Parent Portal –
ParentLink –
Youtube –
search for Duval County Public Schools

These resources can be found directly on:

Technology is a powerful tool and used on
multiple platforms; parents, guardians,
grandparents, and family members no longer
have to be disconnected, confused, lost or
feel neglected. Virtual Information Environments
(VIE) are available as listed above.
Social media is proving its value in sharing
information on platforms that are diverse and
mobile. It just takes using your favorite
form of technology to get connected, stay
connected and communicate with your child’s

The diversity of Jacksonville’s growing
community is addressed, on the DCPS
web site, the capability to Translate
information in multiple languages.
Using GOOGLE Translate, speakers of other
languages can gain information to serve their
diverse language needs. Parents have additional
resources to have an increased influence on
their child’s education and have greater
awareness for themselves.

To see a Youtube video on this information
click the link below.
Youtube video on Digital Access to DCPS for Parents

William Jackson, M.Ed.
Educator with Duval County Schools and
Edward Waters College

November 14, 2011

Reverend Richard Lee Wilson, Sr.

Reverend Richard Lee Wilson, Sr. 1926 - 2011
A Voice Not Silenced
by William Jackson and Cheryl Williams

Even though Reverend Wilson has passed, death
still does not have the victory.
Reverend Richard Lee Wilson, Sr, still lives in
the hearts and minds he has touched with his biblical
and spiritual teachings.

This icon of Pastoral stature was recently honored
for his self-sacrifice and service not only to West
Friendship Baptist Church, but to the service of
Jacksonville, Florida and more importantly
the service to the Lord.

The passing of Reverend Wilson is a physical passing,
but his spirit, his soul; the true essence of this
powerful teacher of life and bible will live on
through his words to each of us.

Whether in the pulpit, the choir, or in private
conversations his words had power and meaning. They
will endure in each of us that had the honor and
privilege to have Reverend Wilson in our

Reverend Wilson was many things to many people;
role model, educator, father, grandfather, great
grandfather, brother, confidant,
spiritual leader, community activist, and Man of God.

The quintessential purpose of being a Reverend is
the saving of souls. That is the mission of Men of
God, to expand the kingdom of God through biblical
teachings. Rev. Wilson performed his duties for over
55 years in the service to Jesus Christ.

No words can truly express the kindness Rev. Wilson
showed, the sacrifices he and his family has endured
in their “good works”, the love he has expressed, the
teaching and mentoring he has conducted, even the
individual homes he has blessed, children
christened and those he baptized renewing their commitment
to Jesus Christ.

Reverend Wilson was a unique and out of the box
“Man of God”, having paid members rent, mortgages,
utility bills, and even helping to put children through
college during his leadership at West Friendship.
There are none like him in this age of mega-churches,
television ministries and social media pastors. There
are no others like him and no others that can imitate,
simulate nor can anyone duplicate him.

Rev. Wilson was the first African American Housing
Inspector under the late Mayor Louis Ritter (1961-1971).

This is my fiancĂ©e’s and my tribute to our beloved
Reverend. Thanks be to God for empowering Rev. Wilson
with knowledge, wisdom, anointing, and vision to build
West Friendship Baptist Church to continue the works
of the Lord through Pastor Timothy L. Cole, Sr.
and First Lady Cole.

West Friendship Baptist Church will continue to do
the works of the Lord, to stay the course because a
strong foundation was laid, a foundation of spiritual
anointing, not just a brick and mortar foundation.

What a might God we serve that allowed us to have
Reverend Wilson in our lives event for a moment.
Peace, Grace and Love to Reverend Richard Lee Wilson, Sr.
and his family. His voice cannot be quieten, stilled
or quieted because it remains in each of us.

Published in the Florida Times-Union on
November 10, 2011

WILSON Rev. Dr. Richard Lee Wilson, Sr, 85, passed
away November 2, 2011. Rev. Wilson was a native of
Jacksonville, FL where he served as pastor of
West Friendship Baptist Church for over 55 years.

He was the first African American Housing Inspector
under the late Mayor Louis Ritter (1961-1971).
Rev. Wilson also served as the Secretary of the
Board of Trustees for Florida Memorial University,
Miami Gardens, FL.

He is survived by a loving, devoted and caring wife
Queen E. Wilson, 7 sons; Richard, II (Rochelle),
Lawrence, Bruce, Roderick, Maurice (Laurece) Anthony
and Micheal; 3 daughters; Kathleen Handy, April Wilson
and Dawn W. Cole (Rev. Timothy);
2 brothers, Charles Morrison (Minnie) and Eugene
Morrison (Delores) Miami, FL; 36 grand children,
several great grands and great- great grands,
nieces, nephews, cousins.

Interment will Monday, November 14, 2011 at 11am
in the Jacksonville National Cemetery.

Arrangements are in the trusted hands of