September 20, 2010


Civic and Community Service Empowers Northeast Florida

As an educator community service extends beyond the
educational value we give to our students in the classroom.
Our contribution is in proportion to the interaction with students
and parents we interrelate with and establish a professional
connection that in many cases extends to a civic connection.
This civic connection is the participation of the teacher outside
of the classroom in community events and activities sharing in
civic responsibility.

Teachers are part of religious organizations, fund raising
efforts, political campaigns and non profit organizations
like JCCI and JCCI Forward. They share their organizational
skill sets, leadership knowledge and community organization

The connection extending beyond the classroom grows
throughout the community. The advantages of being in
service to the community can be seen not only our schools,
but in the diverse businesses that are housed in Northeast
Florida. Jacksonville is moving to establish herself as a
major partner in national and international business and
counts educational attainment as a means to compete globally.
As is being taught in our schools, even in primary grades,
students are being groomed to think globally/internationally.

The infusion of technology allows for access of information that
encompasses a global mental frame work. In other words our
students are being provided a digital mental picture of potential
to connect beyond the limits of physical locality. To effectively
prepare our business and educational community to compete
in a world wide economy. These learning opportunities reinforce
or increase the presence of intelligent and forward thinking
business men and women.

JCCI Forward is raising standards by providing professional
development services in the areas of leadership, ethics and
social media to name a few in our forums, workshops.
The business and educational community standards are
being raised.

Shared areas of discussion and concern are focused on ethics,
values, principles, accountability and civic community connections.
Addressing the aspects of continuous life long learning what
better ways are there than being involved in civic engagement
in the community? Businesses just as in education calls for an
increased presence of leadership to guide, inspire, encourage
and motivate employees. This encouragement in many cases
extends beyond the workplace. Going out in the community and
sharing wealth of leadership knowledge, cultural understanding,
and financial experience from Fortune 500 and small business
executives, establishing relationships to create additional
opportunities to bridge cultural, ethnic, religious, gender and
educational gaps.

A comment from Rev. Kurk Bland (Antioch Baptist Church,
Albany, Ga.), that how can we walk together as a community
if we cannot agree. How can we continue to grow if we look at
each other with suspicion and doubt because of our differences?
How can we respect each other if we are unwilling to share our
knowledge and skills in the continued growth of our communities?
From a relational analogy our community of Northeast Florida is
similar to the river that helped to spawn it (St. Johns River).
If parts of the river start to die then eventually all of the
river will not be able to support life and slowly cause the
demise of local and distance communities that depend on it.

The statement provides a testament to the power of non profit
groups like JCCI Forward that services our community. The
application of a valuable resource in education and nurturing
our community in the form of networking socials, workshops,
forums, discussion groups, and a myriad of educational
events. The objective is to provide a means to empower,
encourage and invite growth in the intellectual aspects of
business, education and civic commitment.

Being a member of JCCI FORWARD is a great opportunity for people
of Northeast Florida that share business minds, a spirit of civic
commitment, an entrepreneurial outlook to connect with business,
civic and educational leaders in and around our community.
The quest is for the sharing of knowledgeable, creativity, and
forward thinking that contributes to the growth of others. Those
in business, education and even social avenues need to
diversify their relationships and open doors to unexplored
collaborative efforts that benefit our communities. What better
way to promote the positive aspects of lifelong learning and
cultivate relationships than to participate in organizations such
as JCCI / JCCI Forward that bring out the best in people of
diverse intellectual backgrounds with a desire of civic pride
and awareness.

Historically and traditionally education is a non profit
organization, the growth potential is immeasurable. There
is no profession in existence that does not require the
involvement of education, understanding this
small nugget of reality provides value to the service that
is provided to those who take advantage of the resources
that are available to them. Public education is free, but
what do you do with the knowledge gained to make the value
of education profitable? The same can be applied
with the JCCI Forward forums, upcoming is Ethics
(every Thursday in October),
what value in business, the current political environment within the
Mayoral races and City Council decisions that affect us all. How can we
understand and apply ethics in education, business, politics, and family life.
Come attend all the forums and find out…………..

The residual affects of participating in civic minded groups such as
JCCI Forward educational opportunities are available as dynamic
transformational effects because of the commuting of knowledge by
those who share their knowledge in business, finance, technology, ethics,
law, politics and social dynamics that shape and mold our cultural relationships
in Northeast Florida.

The service of JCCI Forward extends beyond their service in forums,
but extends in mentorship opportunities, collaboration, network connectivity
that can lead to business, educational and social connections that provide
dynamic partnership opportunities. These partnerships do not necessarily
extend into increase revenue sharing, just as in our educational system.
It is what you do with your knowledge that will determine your growth.
The building of self confidence, community awareness, civic pride and
community outreach extend beyond monetary values.

To be effective in community service extends in building a relationship within
the community and giving back resources in sharing experiences, knowledge,
and a passion for the believe in the community to grow. No longer can there
be tunnel vision or singularity of rule to just making money, but the far reaching
benefits of long range relationships that allow for stability and growth in a
people and community.

To diversity the connection to community; people are beginning to realize
that if there is not a connection with community they are in danger of neglecting
a powerful support mechanism. Opportunities provided in forums should not
be passed up especially when this provides a broader base connection to
social diversification that can lead to business partnerships and relationships.
These partnerships and relationships may be started with a handshake, business
card exchange, or attendance to a professional development opportunity that
JCCI FORWARD offers through is forums, workshops and socials

JCCI Forward is an initiative of JCCI that seeks to engage men and women
in civic involvement and to prepare them for their future roles as community leaders.
The community and business always benefits when both understand their civic

William Jackson, M.Ed.
JCCI FORWARD Executive Committee Member