Jazz Unites Jacksonville
The Jazz Festival was able to accomplish what local
governmental officials and religious leaders claim to
be able to achieve, but fall short; it took music to
inspire unification of people, but for a brief time.
People of cultural backgrounds, families in our community,
and those visiting saw Jacksonville, witnessed a uniting
and bonding through the infusion of music.
It took music, JAZZ to be specific to fuse people in a
commonality of spirit, love and harmony. Hearts and
minds were touched embracing the smooth tones of local
and world reknown musicians and vocalists. A musicality
of cultural progression and recognition of the dynamics
to the origination and meaning of jazz. A fusion of jazz
from past to present, incorporating opera demonstrated
by talented artists from young and seasoned artists.
The musical anointing transcended cultural backgrounds,
shades of physical color, gender and season of those in
attendance. Through the ages music has been a defining
force that joins people together. Where two or three are joined
the opportunity of fellowship spreads throughout. The power
of the music was vocalized so passionately there were tears
in eyes and raised hands that paid ohmage and respect to
songstresses that captured and immobilized the audience.
Musical notes that held emotions so powerfully that nature
itself paused to eavesdrop and enjoy. There was not a drop
of rain to spoil the moment, but rain would have represented
passionate emotions that even the earth could not subdue.
Infants to toddlers, teens to seniors all were infused with
musical blessings that encouraged appreciation of auditory
caressing and orchestration. Youth were so captivated they
used whatever they could get their hands on to mimic and imitate
instruments to accompany artists. Playing their instruments whether
it be a straw for a flute or saxophone or sticks for drumming in
cadence to those on stage, imagining they too were creating
sounds that will resonate in minds and spirits for days on end.
These youth in attendance may one day be our future composures
and performers. Youth are the future of jazz, rhythm and blues,
opera and other musical genres. The Arts are an important tool
to expose children to culture, heritage and develop a respect
for the power to unify and inspire.
The unification of the Jazz Festival could be seen through the
families that where joined together. The time to reacquaint and
renew family values, traditions, hopes and dreams of better tomorrows.
Music used to create a stronger family bond that may have once been
weakened because of social or economic challenges. Seasoned seniors
reflected on the past and relationships. Music was used for our
youth to education them on the dynamics of types of music that
convey passion, soul, anointing, history and artistry in musical
copulations, traditions and style.
Jacksonville’s rich cultural diversity could be seen, respected,
even praise and worship could be felt and seen in musical artistic quality.
The Jazz Festival succeeded in not only bringing a city, a community
together, but rivalled the spiritual energies of church services. The
anointing of music was in effect for three days. Each day providing a
emotional and spiritual welcoming to the blessings to energies created.
To my three new brothers that I meet and shared moments and conversation
and a linking of similar past experiences, I salute you and hope to share
time as we had again next year.
Jacksonville’s rich cultural diversity could be seen in open respect,
dignity, and by the way people treated each other, the bonding of a city
through music. These are days that will long be remembered not only
mentally, but through emotional passions that will await next years
Jacksonville Jazz Festival.