Calling All Fathers - Can We Talk???
Being a father is a magical and humbling event, fathers go through many transformations as we and our children age. The Gospel according to Matthew starting in Chapter One from verse one to sixteen reads who beget whom. These are men who beget children through out the chapters in the Bible in this chaper of scripture.
In verse six of Chapter One, David who is King of Isreal beget Solomon, but from an affair with Uria’s wife. Despite this, Solomon grew to become one of the wisest men in history and anointed by God. In the face of the sin of David a good thing became of it. Reading further, in verse sixteen Jacob beget Joseph who went on to marry Mary who was carrying Jesus, later called Christ. Jesus was not the result of intercourse between Mary and Joseph, but from an event that is Biblical in nature. Joseph took upon the role and responsibility of an earthy father to Jesus and eventually a husband to Mary (Chapter 1:20). This shows that step-fathers are important to children that are part of the ''package'' of a relationship with a woman that has children.
The responsibilities of a father, step-father and husband are sometimes the result of influences and circumstances that are beyond understanding. Affairs of the heart and of the body cannot be justified, but God can bring a good thing from sin.
'He spoke a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint (Luke 18:1). Temptation comes in the flesh, and we are all tempted, but the result of fainting is in one’s flesh and spirit when we as men give in to the temptation. Being a man also includes making decisions not just for ourselves, but for others in our lives. In the case of Joseph (step-father to Jesus), how many men would care for and raise a child from a situation of Mary’s? Joseph listened to the Word of God after an angel spoke to him in a dream. How many men would listen or ignore those words that were spoken? What about David’s situation, many men have circum to the temptations of the flesh, but this does not mean the sin has to consume them. They need to pray for forgiveness and accept the responsibility of the sin and importantly not repeat it.
If through the course of sexual interaction a child is conceived, yes it is the man's and woman's responsibility to care for the child. The child did not ask to be brought into this world, but if the sex is consenual both parents are responcible for raising the child.
Birth and Sin
We are all born into a world of sin, but we do not have to have the world in us. God punished David for his sins as we all are punished, but as men we must recognize and respond accordingly to our sinful urges. We are models to younger men who watch us and seek guidance. This guidance does not always come in words, but in our actions.
Throughout time many men have not worshipped God openly to show their children a better prayer life, and how it can lead to a life filled with the presence of God. In John, Chapter 4:24 God is a spirit and we must worship in spirit and truth. Maybe this lack of open prayer and praise is one of the causes of so many of our young men going astray into a world of violence and sin.
Fathers, our spiritual energies do not compare to our emotional energies in our sports teams. How different would our lives be as fathers and men if our prayer life was as strong as our enthusiasm for our sports teams and hobbies? As men we love to model “manly behavior” for our sons in sporting events, but how many of us display the same amount of dedication and devotion in our prayer life? In Matthew Chapter 6:33, what should we seek in a prayer life? “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you”. How much of a difference would it make in children respecting their mothers and fathers if fathers are actively modeling respect? How much of a difference would it make if our children did pray as their fathers prayed throughout the day for guidance and wisdom? We cannot afford to be critical of those who worship in the name of God when their faith is strongly and openly displayed, but our faith is hidden behind embarrassment, shame or weakness. When emotions are displayed by men their sons follow suite, but be careful the type of emotions that are displayed. When was the last time you drank a beer watching football or hockey and thought or said, “I can’t wait for my son to be old enough to join me!” To coincide with this when was the last time we had our sons pray with us and share in devotion? Is it easier to share beer time than prayer (devotional) time? Is it easier to hang on the corner than hang in church?? Where are our priorities in raising our young men to be men. Where is the humor or love in sharing a beer and not a bible or scripture time?
Changing World
The world is changing daily, as in Revelation Chapter 1:3 “Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand”. The time is at hand now fathers when our young sons are killing each other for drugs, sex, weapons, and other things they view as momentarily satisfying, but easily fleeting. In Matthew Chapter 3:17 God says, “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased”. Our young men in today’s society need to hear this more from their fathers, if our heavenly father can say it to his son, why can’t earthly fathers say it to their sons? Maybe if this were the case, our young men not only in our Black communities, but other communities would not have as many violent deaths as they do. Let us all remember the three institutions that desire our children, Spiritual, Educational and Correctional institutions. It is up to us as men to guide our children to the correct institutions of Spiritual and Educational growth.
Fathers, Step-fathers and Grandfathers must realize the responsibility of their place in a child’s life regardless if they are in the home or not, regardless of the “Baby Mama Drama” that sometimes happens. It is cowardice to make excuses for not calling or writing just to say “I love you” and “How are you doing”. It is inexcusable for not taking time to eat lunch with your child, or visit them at their school, but we can take the time to “run with the boys”. How many more cases of our young men dropping out of school, physical aggression towards women, disrespect to authority and teachers, drugs, crime and violence will it take for more men to tell their sons, “I Love You” and ''I’m proud of you''.
Create a Balance
Fathering is a balance of prayer, discipline, love, negotiation, trust and communication. It does not come easy as I can testify being a parent of two, a son 17and daughter 13 who live in another city. Trying to be a parent and modeling from afar, but relying on God's grace, mercy, love, and forgiveness of my sins. Working to model for the young men in my life that I teach as an educator, and mentor to, being looked upon as a father figure and occasionally being called ''daddy'' by both boys and girls who lack a fathers presence in their lives or a positive male role model that they see. Other male teachers are also addressed as daddy from elementary to high schools in our school district. Every day I ask for God's grace and guidance in my teaching of the young people I see every day. I pray to keep me humble, calm, caring, respectful to all (even parents who cus you for taking care of their children everyday), strong in my faith and cover me from harm and danger of those who do not know the Lord or do not care for him.
Separation from Church and State
There is a separation of church and state, but I cannot separate God from my spirit and my heart when working with children who will be our leaders of the future. I just pray that more fathers allow God to come into their hearts and be the fathers and daddies that their children need. The goal as fathers and men is to help raise productive adults who will lead positive and God loving lives. As the African proverb states, “it takes a village to raise a leader” (Paterson, K 2001,
Our villages; the multicultural community of Jacksonville, Florida, needs to unite all our young men and start loving and teaching our young men to pray and be prayerful in all things before we lose yet another generation. It is not the Mayors, the Governors, the City Council, the JSO, nor the Presidents responsibility to raise our young men, but the responsibility of men to raise men from Boys To Men. No one should be angry with Obama, Cosby, Jackson, Sharpton or me if we are telling the truth about men if they are not taking responsibility for their children. God views our actions and inactions, the results can be seen on our TV's, in newspapers and in our classrooms.
When are we going to live up to the legacy of Kings, Generals, Teachers, Physicians, Pastors, Scientists and community leaders? It takes a leader, but the men are supposed to lead first and pray for guidance in all things. We cannot throw money at the problems in our community nor increase the police or sheriff's department as the mayor has stated to address the problems we face with our young people. These are only preventive/stop gap measures that will address certain populations of our the community. It will take the interaction of fathers, step-fathers, grandfathers and male role models to step up and become involved in a young mans life and young girls life to guide them in the direction that builds character, a thirst for knowledge, success, education and a closeness with God.
July 31, 2009
May 22, 2009
Sexting and Texting
Is Your Child Sexting in Church and School?
The invasiveness of 21st century handheld technology into churches is not limited to the pulpit, pews and choir stands, nor the classroom, lunchrooms, and bathrooms of our schools. Students are using their handheld devices for other reasons besides worshiping and studying. In recent years technology has invaded our places of worship and educational institutions causing distractions and disruptions. Displays of this invasion can be seen when our Pastors forget to turn off their blackberries during preaching time, when deacons and deaconesses try to discretely tell those who are calling that they are on ministerial duty or when church choir members gospel songs/worldly songs play on their cell phones as they perform praise and worship. Every Sunday a new routine is added before services begin or during the week before instruction in school; people are being told to turn off or silence their digital devices and not to text. We have all chuckled, smiled, scowled, or tried to ignore these digital intrusions in our worship times. There are even jokes in movies that when a cell phone rings, the preacher in "The Fighting Temptations," “that better be Jesus calling” is the popular statement.
Teens and Adults: The digital incursion is not limited to teens, but adults are the culprits often times. We cannot always lay blame on our young people for the use of digital tools to communicate with family and friends. The use or misuse of digital communication devices is obvious, but the use of them in an inappropriate environment and the use of inappropriate language in songs and lyrics is growing in our society. Adults must set the example, correct behaviors that our children exhibit and make sure adults are not the culprits.
Defining Sexting: Wikipedia; sexting is defined as,” the act of sending sexually explicit messages or photos electronically, primarily between cell phones” ( The technology is such that not only can photos be sent but video, audio and links to web sites. The multimedia experience can be displayed digitally on cell phone screens which creates a major concern for ISP’s (Internet Service Providers) and cell phone companies, the content that is sent through them is border line inappropriate, this material skirting the edges of child and teen porn being sent by texting, many ISP’s and cell phone companies are reexamining their policies on pictures, text and video. Police detective Vern Myers in Colorado on investigating several cases states, "on something like that it's child pornography. If you take that picture, you're manufacturing it; if you send that picture, then you're distributing it”. Throughout the U.S. at least four states, sexting kids are facing charges of child pornography and sexual exploitation of a minor. Parents are encouraged to check their child’s texting history, and who is in their texting group of friends. If there is no resistance then the teen has nothing to hide, but if teens are defiant especially if the parent is paying the bill then there is a problem.
Social Interaction and Social Networking: The participation in social networking has allowed teens to be involved in more risky behaviors because there is more interaction at a personal level. If you post personal information on a social site like MySpace, Facebook, YouTube, etc , then others that are your friends can add you as a friend and see that you are a potential candidate for that type of behavior. There is more exposure to people or groups that teens would not have been exposed to before. Even without the digital aspects of social networking there have been these types of exchanges in magazines and newspapers, but in non-direct ways, not so directly targeted and participated in by teens. Documented in Wikipedia, “messages with sexual content have been exchanged over all forms of historical media”, but was not directly participated in by teens. These advanced types of media exchanges just allow for faster and more explicit materials to be shared. One of the dangers that teens are experiencing is that they may share a photo or video with a friend, but it only takes minutes for it be forwarded by text, email, twitter, etc to others. “A social danger with sexting is that material can be very easily and widely promulgated, over which the originator has no control” The Institute for Responsible Online and Cell-Phone Communication (I.R.O.C.). This loss of control has possibly cost the life of several young ladies who shared photos with their boyfriends, but that material was spread to others after they broke-up.
Law Enforcement Investigations: When investigations are being performed there are varied reasons for this kind of action. The Nat. Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy, Bill Alpert found that, the primary reason young people give is they say this is a fun or flirtatious activity," Alpert says further, "of more concern is the second primary reason they cite — among girls — is they do this as a sexy present for their boyfriends." Girls do not realize the danger they present to their reputations and future status in school and the community. Boys will pass pictures on to their friends and to the football/basketball team ; in the case of (Ohio ) Jessica Logan who hanged herself in her bedroom, she was 18 (TODAY March. 6, 2009). “She had sent nude pictures of herself to a boyfriend. When they broke up, he sent them to other high school girls and the football team. The girls were harassing her, she was miserable and depressed, afraid even to go to school”. Because of the nature of these situations school officials are sometimes powerless unless the students are actually caught with the cell phone device taking the picture or texting.
Public Officials: It is difficult to tell young people not to do something unless there is public notice and adults are put in criminal situations. Across America; public officials and religious leaders are being investigated because of questionable texting. Their texts and emails are being scrutinized more and more because of who they are texting and their possible content. These electronic messages are stored on servers and archived for years. One case is that of Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick and his texting case. “Controversy began when over 14,000 text messages were recently discovered that had been passed between Kilpatrick and Beatty. The texts supported the theory that the two were involved in a sexual relationship at the time and also supported the claims that they had conspired…” The Detroit News. "Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick Shamed by Text Messages".
School Policies: In various districts throughout Florida; school districts currently have a policy that prohibits students from using cell phones during school time, and that includes text messaging. District officials implemented the policy to curb students from using cell phones and camera phones to cheat on tests. This policy in some form is implemented throughout Florida. There are cases that texting is being used to bully students as well. In a November 2007 survey it was found by Boost Mobile “that text messages have been used to bully 24 per cent of young people. Texting was used in almost 90 per cent of cases of harassment of people aged between 13 and 18 years
via mobile telephone”.
Laws on Record: The question on many peoples minds, are there laws? Parry Aftab, an Internet security expert explained there are laws, but with any accusation “It depends on the age of the child. If somebody’s under the age of 18, it’s child pornography, and even the girl that posted the pictures can be charged. They could be registered sex offenders”. During his work Aftab states that, “Forty-four percent of the boys say that they’ve seen sexual images of girls in their school, and about 15 percent of them are disseminating those images when they break up with the girls.” Girls don’t think that boys will do this until it is too late. Parents need to be diligent to the activities of their teens when they are using cell phones. It is literally a matter of live and death; teens reputations which could be affected, future job opportunities, public service, political office and relationships. If the parent is paying the bill or the child is living at home then the parent assumes responsibility for their child’s actions.
William Jackson, M.Ed. -
The invasiveness of 21st century handheld technology into churches is not limited to the pulpit, pews and choir stands, nor the classroom, lunchrooms, and bathrooms of our schools. Students are using their handheld devices for other reasons besides worshiping and studying. In recent years technology has invaded our places of worship and educational institutions causing distractions and disruptions. Displays of this invasion can be seen when our Pastors forget to turn off their blackberries during preaching time, when deacons and deaconesses try to discretely tell those who are calling that they are on ministerial duty or when church choir members gospel songs/worldly songs play on their cell phones as they perform praise and worship. Every Sunday a new routine is added before services begin or during the week before instruction in school; people are being told to turn off or silence their digital devices and not to text. We have all chuckled, smiled, scowled, or tried to ignore these digital intrusions in our worship times. There are even jokes in movies that when a cell phone rings, the preacher in "The Fighting Temptations," “that better be Jesus calling” is the popular statement.
Teens and Adults: The digital incursion is not limited to teens, but adults are the culprits often times. We cannot always lay blame on our young people for the use of digital tools to communicate with family and friends. The use or misuse of digital communication devices is obvious, but the use of them in an inappropriate environment and the use of inappropriate language in songs and lyrics is growing in our society. Adults must set the example, correct behaviors that our children exhibit and make sure adults are not the culprits.
Defining Sexting: Wikipedia; sexting is defined as,” the act of sending sexually explicit messages or photos electronically, primarily between cell phones” ( The technology is such that not only can photos be sent but video, audio and links to web sites. The multimedia experience can be displayed digitally on cell phone screens which creates a major concern for ISP’s (Internet Service Providers) and cell phone companies, the content that is sent through them is border line inappropriate, this material skirting the edges of child and teen porn being sent by texting, many ISP’s and cell phone companies are reexamining their policies on pictures, text and video. Police detective Vern Myers in Colorado on investigating several cases states, "on something like that it's child pornography. If you take that picture, you're manufacturing it; if you send that picture, then you're distributing it”. Throughout the U.S. at least four states, sexting kids are facing charges of child pornography and sexual exploitation of a minor. Parents are encouraged to check their child’s texting history, and who is in their texting group of friends. If there is no resistance then the teen has nothing to hide, but if teens are defiant especially if the parent is paying the bill then there is a problem.
Social Interaction and Social Networking: The participation in social networking has allowed teens to be involved in more risky behaviors because there is more interaction at a personal level. If you post personal information on a social site like MySpace, Facebook, YouTube, etc , then others that are your friends can add you as a friend and see that you are a potential candidate for that type of behavior. There is more exposure to people or groups that teens would not have been exposed to before. Even without the digital aspects of social networking there have been these types of exchanges in magazines and newspapers, but in non-direct ways, not so directly targeted and participated in by teens. Documented in Wikipedia, “messages with sexual content have been exchanged over all forms of historical media”, but was not directly participated in by teens. These advanced types of media exchanges just allow for faster and more explicit materials to be shared. One of the dangers that teens are experiencing is that they may share a photo or video with a friend, but it only takes minutes for it be forwarded by text, email, twitter, etc to others. “A social danger with sexting is that material can be very easily and widely promulgated, over which the originator has no control” The Institute for Responsible Online and Cell-Phone Communication (I.R.O.C.). This loss of control has possibly cost the life of several young ladies who shared photos with their boyfriends, but that material was spread to others after they broke-up.
Law Enforcement Investigations: When investigations are being performed there are varied reasons for this kind of action. The Nat. Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy, Bill Alpert found that, the primary reason young people give is they say this is a fun or flirtatious activity," Alpert says further, "of more concern is the second primary reason they cite — among girls — is they do this as a sexy present for their boyfriends." Girls do not realize the danger they present to their reputations and future status in school and the community. Boys will pass pictures on to their friends and to the football/basketball team ; in the case of (Ohio ) Jessica Logan who hanged herself in her bedroom, she was 18 (TODAY March. 6, 2009). “She had sent nude pictures of herself to a boyfriend. When they broke up, he sent them to other high school girls and the football team. The girls were harassing her, she was miserable and depressed, afraid even to go to school”. Because of the nature of these situations school officials are sometimes powerless unless the students are actually caught with the cell phone device taking the picture or texting.
Public Officials: It is difficult to tell young people not to do something unless there is public notice and adults are put in criminal situations. Across America; public officials and religious leaders are being investigated because of questionable texting. Their texts and emails are being scrutinized more and more because of who they are texting and their possible content. These electronic messages are stored on servers and archived for years. One case is that of Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick and his texting case. “Controversy began when over 14,000 text messages were recently discovered that had been passed between Kilpatrick and Beatty. The texts supported the theory that the two were involved in a sexual relationship at the time and also supported the claims that they had conspired…” The Detroit News. "Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick Shamed by Text Messages".
School Policies: In various districts throughout Florida; school districts currently have a policy that prohibits students from using cell phones during school time, and that includes text messaging. District officials implemented the policy to curb students from using cell phones and camera phones to cheat on tests. This policy in some form is implemented throughout Florida. There are cases that texting is being used to bully students as well. In a November 2007 survey it was found by Boost Mobile “that text messages have been used to bully 24 per cent of young people. Texting was used in almost 90 per cent of cases of harassment of people aged between 13 and 18 years
via mobile telephone”.
Laws on Record: The question on many peoples minds, are there laws? Parry Aftab, an Internet security expert explained there are laws, but with any accusation “It depends on the age of the child. If somebody’s under the age of 18, it’s child pornography, and even the girl that posted the pictures can be charged. They could be registered sex offenders”. During his work Aftab states that, “Forty-four percent of the boys say that they’ve seen sexual images of girls in their school, and about 15 percent of them are disseminating those images when they break up with the girls.” Girls don’t think that boys will do this until it is too late. Parents need to be diligent to the activities of their teens when they are using cell phones. It is literally a matter of live and death; teens reputations which could be affected, future job opportunities, public service, political office and relationships. If the parent is paying the bill or the child is living at home then the parent assumes responsibility for their child’s actions.
William Jackson, M.Ed. -
May 10, 2009
Mothers Day Is Every Day
Don’t Get It Twisted
Mother’s Day Is Every Day
Especially When Mothers Day is Gone
"Honor your father and mother, which is the first
commandment with promise: that it may be well with
you and you may live long on the earth."
[Ephesians 6:2, 3 NKJV]
Celebration of you “Mothers.”
The meaning of Mother’s Day cannot really be clarified by fancy articulated words organized in a card, nor a floral arrangement of flowers to display love, appreciation, thanks and Blessings. The gestures given in the form of gifts, meals, hugs, kisses, money, and other representations of affection by family and friends only shows an emotional feeling for that day and a few beyond.
Mother’s Day is celebrated annually in May, but
Don’t Get It Twisted - Mother’s Day Is Every Day
It began as a well-established tradition going back to Philadelphia in 1907,
and continues on into the 21st century. Rarely in this day and age of high tech,
fast paced and instant gratification do things this meaningful last.
“We are in a culture that holds mothers to a maddening
standard of mythological perfection”. (Unknown)
All mothers have the unique Blessings of God because he knew that children needed to be nurtured, loved, and taught how to be respectful and how to pray. Mothers are a child’s first teacher of life. A mother has the responsibility to teach their child how to be caring for family and friends, the importance of education and notably their first introduction to God. Mother’s wisdom is that when they are not with their children God is the one who is watching over them, keeping their babies out of danger and steering them clear of harm and hurt. Mothers know they are the foundation of humanity. Humanity exists and prospers because Mothers are still in control. Human beings by our very nature need to be loved, recognized and from time to time provided hugs, and affection, what better person than the mother who carried you for 9 months or the mother who may not have carried you and given birth to you,
but who has taken on that role as a mother.
"A mother is not a person to lean on but person to make leaning unnecessary." (Dorothy Fisher)
Even biblically it is written in the Bible mothers play a key role in the development of generations, not just in the bearing of children, but in the reinforcement of family traditions, passing down of family history, helping children to understand their key roles and direction in life,
and teaching young girls how to be good mothers.
In Solomon, 8:2 (KJ Version), it is written that, “I would lead thee,
and bring thee into my mother's house, who would instruct me”.
Solomon, purported to be the wisest man in the world honors his mother
and recognizes her instruction to him.
Jesus respected his mother when she asked him to turn
water to wine at a wedding, John 2:3 (KJ Version).
Moses mother loved him so much that she sacrificed him to live and
was blessed to get him back, Exodus 1:1-8 (KJ Version).
Hagar in Genesis 16 was blessed with a son who would be the father
of many nations. Genesis 16 (KJ Version)
"If you want your children to turn out well, spend twice as much time with them, and half as much money." (Abigail Van Buren)
We come to celebrate you as women of stature, women of honor and praise your involvement in your child’s life or the children that you support. Be aware that you are building tomorrow’s leaders, world leaders in commerce, education, politics, industry, medicine, science and other disciplines around the world.
Please continue to do what you are doing by giving children love and
teaching them to strive for success, helping your child to gain the confidence in their abilities that they can conquer the world. Children need to know that they can control their lives with the choices that they make, and with your guidance, love, advice and prayers have the freedom to make good and beneficial choices and decisions.
“The real religion of the world comes from women much more than from men from mothers most of all, who carry the key of our souls in their bosoms”.
(Oliver Wendell Holmes)
Men may think they run things, but they should not get it twisted, when a mother speaks and gets to praying we all stop and listen.
Mothers, grandmothers, aunts, mentors, surrogate mothers, and those in your respective roles deserve respect, praise and love on your day and beyond.
Don’t Get It Twisted – Mothers Day Is Everyday
"Blessed is the Mother...
Who can hold onto her children while letting them go;
Who puts a tranquil home ahead of an immaculate house;
Who knows a kind act will be remembered longer than an easy word;
Who really believes that prayer changes things;
Whose faith in the future sweetens the present;
Whose Bible never needs dusting; and
Whose sense of humor is alive and well." (The Promoter)
Mother’s Day Is Every Day
Especially When Mothers Day is Gone
"Honor your father and mother, which is the first
commandment with promise: that it may be well with
you and you may live long on the earth."
[Ephesians 6:2, 3 NKJV]
Celebration of you “Mothers.”
The meaning of Mother’s Day cannot really be clarified by fancy articulated words organized in a card, nor a floral arrangement of flowers to display love, appreciation, thanks and Blessings. The gestures given in the form of gifts, meals, hugs, kisses, money, and other representations of affection by family and friends only shows an emotional feeling for that day and a few beyond.
Mother’s Day is celebrated annually in May, but
Don’t Get It Twisted - Mother’s Day Is Every Day
It began as a well-established tradition going back to Philadelphia in 1907,
and continues on into the 21st century. Rarely in this day and age of high tech,
fast paced and instant gratification do things this meaningful last.
“We are in a culture that holds mothers to a maddening
standard of mythological perfection”. (Unknown)
All mothers have the unique Blessings of God because he knew that children needed to be nurtured, loved, and taught how to be respectful and how to pray. Mothers are a child’s first teacher of life. A mother has the responsibility to teach their child how to be caring for family and friends, the importance of education and notably their first introduction to God. Mother’s wisdom is that when they are not with their children God is the one who is watching over them, keeping their babies out of danger and steering them clear of harm and hurt. Mothers know they are the foundation of humanity. Humanity exists and prospers because Mothers are still in control. Human beings by our very nature need to be loved, recognized and from time to time provided hugs, and affection, what better person than the mother who carried you for 9 months or the mother who may not have carried you and given birth to you,
but who has taken on that role as a mother.
"A mother is not a person to lean on but person to make leaning unnecessary." (Dorothy Fisher)
Even biblically it is written in the Bible mothers play a key role in the development of generations, not just in the bearing of children, but in the reinforcement of family traditions, passing down of family history, helping children to understand their key roles and direction in life,
and teaching young girls how to be good mothers.
In Solomon, 8:2 (KJ Version), it is written that, “I would lead thee,
and bring thee into my mother's house, who would instruct me”.
Solomon, purported to be the wisest man in the world honors his mother
and recognizes her instruction to him.
Jesus respected his mother when she asked him to turn
water to wine at a wedding, John 2:3 (KJ Version).
Moses mother loved him so much that she sacrificed him to live and
was blessed to get him back, Exodus 1:1-8 (KJ Version).
Hagar in Genesis 16 was blessed with a son who would be the father
of many nations. Genesis 16 (KJ Version)
"If you want your children to turn out well, spend twice as much time with them, and half as much money." (Abigail Van Buren)
We come to celebrate you as women of stature, women of honor and praise your involvement in your child’s life or the children that you support. Be aware that you are building tomorrow’s leaders, world leaders in commerce, education, politics, industry, medicine, science and other disciplines around the world.
Please continue to do what you are doing by giving children love and
teaching them to strive for success, helping your child to gain the confidence in their abilities that they can conquer the world. Children need to know that they can control their lives with the choices that they make, and with your guidance, love, advice and prayers have the freedom to make good and beneficial choices and decisions.
“The real religion of the world comes from women much more than from men from mothers most of all, who carry the key of our souls in their bosoms”.
(Oliver Wendell Holmes)
Men may think they run things, but they should not get it twisted, when a mother speaks and gets to praying we all stop and listen.
Mothers, grandmothers, aunts, mentors, surrogate mothers, and those in your respective roles deserve respect, praise and love on your day and beyond.
Don’t Get It Twisted – Mothers Day Is Everyday
"Blessed is the Mother...
Who can hold onto her children while letting them go;
Who puts a tranquil home ahead of an immaculate house;
Who knows a kind act will be remembered longer than an easy word;
Who really believes that prayer changes things;
Whose faith in the future sweetens the present;
Whose Bible never needs dusting; and
Whose sense of humor is alive and well." (The Promoter)
May 4, 2009
Social Networking in Jacksonville, Florida
“Growing Trends to Business and Social Networking”
Social Stigmas of the Past
When people talked about being in a social network there was this reaction of someone searching for a physical connection, talking about the social scene at one time brought a stigma that someone was looking for sex, potential mates, drugs or other socially challenging designs. When searching through magazines and newspapers, located in the back there are ads for “meeting new and exciting people through networks”, “exploring your other social side” or “daring to get out and open up to hidden pleasures ”, just a few examples of a social side, an underground not spoken openly about. These were the ideas applied in some cases to the social scene.
Pervasiveness of the Internet:
The digital and interactive social networking scene of Jacksonville, Florida has been growing over the past 3 years. The explosion of the diversity and interactiveness of what is being called the Web 2.0 environment has allowed Jacksonville’s diverse communities to connect, work in partnerships and allow for peer collaboration on projects ranging in community development, political activism, ethics, minority affairs, religious activities and of course hobbies and interests. There is no limit to what a person can participate in according to their curiosity and desires. There is still a “dark side to social networking”. The Internet is so pervasive in our lives that we can no longer just think of it as a passing fad or luxury for the well to do, those in academia, military or middle class. In a social and cultural context, in order to be productive in a digital world we must understand this area of communication and collaboration. From research such as, “Collaboration, Literacy, Authorship: Using Social Networking Tools to Engage the Wisdom of Teachers”, it has been stated that, “the pervasiveness of social networking represents the broader culture’s commitment to collaboration, community, and a shared, conscious cocreation of knowledge”.
Defining Social Networks:
The social network “is a social structure made of groups that are tied by one or more specific types of interdependency, such as values, visions, ideas, financial exchange, friendship, sexual relationships, kinship, dislike, conflict or trade” ( There are hundreds of social networks online that are specifically for Jacksonville, Florida. Many groups can be found online at
Meetup Group ( There are discussions in an electronic format of more than just “what is your sign” or” what restaurant to eat at” or “what club is the best to meet people”? These allow for people of like interests and ideologies to express themselves without fear of verbal and physical attack. Arrange to meet offline in group discussion formats, or individually to gauge the status of a developing relationship. It is not uncommon today to hear about couples stating that they met online and “connected” mentally, have similar ideologies about marriage, children and other social concerns. Sharing similar morals, ethics, political, cultural and religious convictions are what brings people together.
Dangers Can Follow:
Even in an electronic format there still remains dangers, the opportunities to meet people may place one or both to unknown dangers and hazards. In the article,
“Dangers of Social Networking, by Tony Bradley (2007), these sites allow the user to post pictures, video, text, and music. A person can learn your likes, dislikes, places you like to travel to and daily routines”. Predators and stalkers follow their potential prey first, looking for opportunities to attack either to do immediate harm, or snatching/kidnapping. The other option is to attack a person by stealing another person’s account. Bill Brenner who writes in,” Not Among Friends: The Dangers of Social Networks”, tells “one aspect that given enough time and information about a person, attackers can hijack a person's social network account to use as a launching pad for additional attacks against other users. These users are a person’s friends and those tied to other friend lists”. Keeping usernames and passwords secrete is very important, if you think your account has been compromised contact the appropriate network parties to help with reestablishing your network identify and security.
Entrepreneurial Spirit:
Establishing a connection on the Internet in the Web 2.0 environment allows for the entrepreneurial spirit is not just on law abiding individuals, but those involved in questionable actions of all ages. In Megan Higgens report in, “Police investigate dark side of social networks”. She found information about underage prostitution rings. “Police are actively looking into a possible prostitution case on the social network site, Twitter. Police say sites like Myspace, Facebook and Craigslist don't make the search for criminals harder, but it is a challenge. Officers must switch up tactics as people try harder not to get caught. But many prostitutes, pimps, conmen and hustlers are turning to the Internet. Because there are so many websites to patrol, detectives are focusing on underage prostitution rings”. Crimes against children take the immediate concerns because children are very trusting and vulnerable to manipulative adults. A parent’s role as a protector is critical in this day and age of digital communication. Parents cannot be closed minded and in denial of their children’s technology understanding and manipulation or them being manipulated.
Parents Must Be Diligent:
Parents must take responsibility, be diligent and firm with their rules for Internet access and who their children communicate with and how. If your instincts tell you something is wrong then more often than not there are problems and needs your immediate attention. Parents should set a time limit on using the Internet and have a firm rule that there are no passwords that are secrete. The adults are the keyholders and gatekeepers in the household. In the article, “Kids vs Creeps: Concerns Mount Over Online Predators” by J. Nicholas Hoover of InformationWeek,
“MySpace and social networking sites like it offer thriving communities where young people engage in countless hours of banal chatter and photo sharing. Not coincidentally, social sites also have become hangouts for child predators, child pornographers, and other lowlifes”. A child may think that they are chatting with another child of similar age, but are not sure who they are communicating with. Adults run the risk also of communicating with who they think are adults, but may be children, “11-year-old who sneaked by MySpace's age controls by claiming to be 18”. This happens more often than people think, even though there are safeguards kids will work until they get past the safeguards.
Since 2003 MySpace has deleted 250,000 underage profiles, this tells them that children are determined to get online even if it means getting caught. Facebook users in order to participate must have a college or high school e-mail address, but some outside email companies have been allowed to join. BlackPlanet, Xanga, and others have their regulations. Parents must be firm and unmoving in their protection of their children from online predators. The African Proverb still applies, and has further reaching implications and inclusiveness to this city in the South. “It takes a village to raise a child. But in our world of online social networking, Web 2.0, instant messaging, decentralized networks, multiple email accounts and increasingly tech-savvy child predators; it's going to take a united effort among government, industry, and families to keep our children safe”.
William Jackson, M.Edu.
Duval County Schools
Social Stigmas of the Past
When people talked about being in a social network there was this reaction of someone searching for a physical connection, talking about the social scene at one time brought a stigma that someone was looking for sex, potential mates, drugs or other socially challenging designs. When searching through magazines and newspapers, located in the back there are ads for “meeting new and exciting people through networks”, “exploring your other social side” or “daring to get out and open up to hidden pleasures ”, just a few examples of a social side, an underground not spoken openly about. These were the ideas applied in some cases to the social scene.
Pervasiveness of the Internet:
The digital and interactive social networking scene of Jacksonville, Florida has been growing over the past 3 years. The explosion of the diversity and interactiveness of what is being called the Web 2.0 environment has allowed Jacksonville’s diverse communities to connect, work in partnerships and allow for peer collaboration on projects ranging in community development, political activism, ethics, minority affairs, religious activities and of course hobbies and interests. There is no limit to what a person can participate in according to their curiosity and desires. There is still a “dark side to social networking”. The Internet is so pervasive in our lives that we can no longer just think of it as a passing fad or luxury for the well to do, those in academia, military or middle class. In a social and cultural context, in order to be productive in a digital world we must understand this area of communication and collaboration. From research such as, “Collaboration, Literacy, Authorship: Using Social Networking Tools to Engage the Wisdom of Teachers”, it has been stated that, “the pervasiveness of social networking represents the broader culture’s commitment to collaboration, community, and a shared, conscious cocreation of knowledge”.
Defining Social Networks:
The social network “is a social structure made of groups that are tied by one or more specific types of interdependency, such as values, visions, ideas, financial exchange, friendship, sexual relationships, kinship, dislike, conflict or trade” ( There are hundreds of social networks online that are specifically for Jacksonville, Florida. Many groups can be found online at
Meetup Group ( There are discussions in an electronic format of more than just “what is your sign” or” what restaurant to eat at” or “what club is the best to meet people”? These allow for people of like interests and ideologies to express themselves without fear of verbal and physical attack. Arrange to meet offline in group discussion formats, or individually to gauge the status of a developing relationship. It is not uncommon today to hear about couples stating that they met online and “connected” mentally, have similar ideologies about marriage, children and other social concerns. Sharing similar morals, ethics, political, cultural and religious convictions are what brings people together.
Dangers Can Follow:
Even in an electronic format there still remains dangers, the opportunities to meet people may place one or both to unknown dangers and hazards. In the article,
“Dangers of Social Networking, by Tony Bradley (2007), these sites allow the user to post pictures, video, text, and music. A person can learn your likes, dislikes, places you like to travel to and daily routines”. Predators and stalkers follow their potential prey first, looking for opportunities to attack either to do immediate harm, or snatching/kidnapping. The other option is to attack a person by stealing another person’s account. Bill Brenner who writes in,” Not Among Friends: The Dangers of Social Networks”, tells “one aspect that given enough time and information about a person, attackers can hijack a person's social network account to use as a launching pad for additional attacks against other users. These users are a person’s friends and those tied to other friend lists”. Keeping usernames and passwords secrete is very important, if you think your account has been compromised contact the appropriate network parties to help with reestablishing your network identify and security.
Entrepreneurial Spirit:
Establishing a connection on the Internet in the Web 2.0 environment allows for the entrepreneurial spirit is not just on law abiding individuals, but those involved in questionable actions of all ages. In Megan Higgens report in, “Police investigate dark side of social networks”. She found information about underage prostitution rings. “Police are actively looking into a possible prostitution case on the social network site, Twitter. Police say sites like Myspace, Facebook and Craigslist don't make the search for criminals harder, but it is a challenge. Officers must switch up tactics as people try harder not to get caught. But many prostitutes, pimps, conmen and hustlers are turning to the Internet. Because there are so many websites to patrol, detectives are focusing on underage prostitution rings”. Crimes against children take the immediate concerns because children are very trusting and vulnerable to manipulative adults. A parent’s role as a protector is critical in this day and age of digital communication. Parents cannot be closed minded and in denial of their children’s technology understanding and manipulation or them being manipulated.
Parents Must Be Diligent:
Parents must take responsibility, be diligent and firm with their rules for Internet access and who their children communicate with and how. If your instincts tell you something is wrong then more often than not there are problems and needs your immediate attention. Parents should set a time limit on using the Internet and have a firm rule that there are no passwords that are secrete. The adults are the keyholders and gatekeepers in the household. In the article, “Kids vs Creeps: Concerns Mount Over Online Predators” by J. Nicholas Hoover of InformationWeek,
“MySpace and social networking sites like it offer thriving communities where young people engage in countless hours of banal chatter and photo sharing. Not coincidentally, social sites also have become hangouts for child predators, child pornographers, and other lowlifes”. A child may think that they are chatting with another child of similar age, but are not sure who they are communicating with. Adults run the risk also of communicating with who they think are adults, but may be children, “11-year-old who sneaked by MySpace's age controls by claiming to be 18”. This happens more often than people think, even though there are safeguards kids will work until they get past the safeguards.
Since 2003 MySpace has deleted 250,000 underage profiles, this tells them that children are determined to get online even if it means getting caught. Facebook users in order to participate must have a college or high school e-mail address, but some outside email companies have been allowed to join. BlackPlanet, Xanga, and others have their regulations. Parents must be firm and unmoving in their protection of their children from online predators. The African Proverb still applies, and has further reaching implications and inclusiveness to this city in the South. “It takes a village to raise a child. But in our world of online social networking, Web 2.0, instant messaging, decentralized networks, multiple email accounts and increasingly tech-savvy child predators; it's going to take a united effort among government, industry, and families to keep our children safe”.
William Jackson, M.Edu.
Duval County Schools
April 28, 2009
Social Networks Beware - MySpace, Facebook, BlackPlanet

What has happened to the Digital Divide?
Many people are no longer confined to using other family member’s computers or sacrificing to purchase one. Computers are readily available at affordable prices
with many models to choose from and the competition between AMD (Advanced
Micro Devices) and Intel has lowered the cost of the microprocessor or brain of the computer to help make them cheaper. This has opened up a new capability for virtual traveling, online purchasing and selling, along with socializing on a global scale, literally. No longer are people confined to the “hood” (neighborhood) or mall, now there are “digital hoods”, “digital malls” and “digital playground” BUT BEWARE potential employers are looking at your job qualifications and social activities on these digital sites that you connect to and socialize on.
Digital Divide Defined
The presence of the Digital Divide as defined by Wikipedia is “the gap between people with effective access to digital and information technology and those with very limited or no access at all”. During the 80’s and 90’s many minorities were limited to the use of technology because of its high cost and lack of user friendliness. This presented a challenge to many because employers are using computer kiosks and online applications for applying to entry level jobs (Wal-Mart, Sears, Target, Lowes, Home Depot, etc.). Because many minorities did not have access or lacked the basic skills to effectively use technology they were slowly loosing out on employment opportunities. The declining cost of technology, the miniaturization of the microprocessor, access to computers through schools, churches and public libraries has allowed minorities to enter into the digital age and compete. Access has allowed learning skills to expand and encouraged; enlightenment and empowerment to compete with others digitally. The ability to virtually apply/compete for jobs and educational opportunities by taking online or hybrid classes has allowed minorities to be present at the “table” again, not to be left behind or scrambling to keep up.
Age of Social Networking
Social networking a more recent tool as defined by Wikipedia is, “a social network service focuses on building online communities of people who share interests and/or activities”, has allowed people of color to communicate globally; this capability is not restricted by national or international borders or time zones. The Web 2.0 has allowed anyone with access to the Internet either through a computer, cell phone, blackberry and even gaming systems to participate in “mass communication and peer collaboration” (Wikipedia 2.0, 2008).
New Meeting Tools
Networking is not just about exchanging numbers, astronomic signs, restaurant preferences or even places to shop, it includes all that and more. When joining a social network you pick the network that caters to your likes and future aspirations for business and education; (Facebook, Brightfuse, LinkedIn, MySpace, Ning’s, Blogspot, BlogTalk Radio or Passion4Christ and Twitter. These socials allow you to adjust the kind of preferences, businesses goals, political affiliations, religious associations and even personal lifestyles you want to interact with. Once you join you invite people as friends that you feel “connected to” on some level. The intricacies of participation in a Web 2.0 environment, is managing the technology and your contacts as you add friends. The beauties of networking are making friends from all over the world who mostly share your interests and ideologies. Communicating is performed initially by a web site that you personalize or in some cases use web tools to “Crunk your page”. These “Crunking” tools add pictures (static) in a slideshow format, embedded videos from personal camera’s or links to YouTube (another Web 2.0 application) where videos can be accessed. Music from any genre and the capability to share music by those testing the waters to see how popular their work can be. Communication can be conducted around the clock at any location; since many digital devices now are portable you can take your access to your network with you and share photos, conversations, videos and music.
Employers are getting Wise to Social Networks
Employers are getting involved in the social networking scene as well, looking to see if potential employees have questionable social patterns and lifestyles. According to Mike Hargis of “Twenty-two percent of employers say they use social networking sites when evaluating job candidates”, this says a lot to the youth of today that allow or put pictures that attract attention to them as being “sexy, down, gangsta, thugs, straight, gay, etc.”, but in the long run may hurt their chances of employment, military service or admission to higher education institutions. The danger of networking sites for those employed run the risk of being “let go” because of questionable behavior online and the content on their sites. M. Hargis states, “16 percent of workers with social networking profiles have modified their pages with potential employers in mind” ( 2009). The site can be a hindrance or a help when seeking employment or advancement in your career. Your social site can be used as a resume to highlight your knowledge with technology, the ability to navigate web sites that build professionalism and connectivity to the business world or your site can show immaturity, lack of responsible behavior when interacting with alcohol, drugs and relationships with the same or opposite sex.
Cultural Implications
Judgment on ones culture and character may seem invasive by those seeking employment, but from a business perspective many businesses are worried about their “reputations” in the business and social community. Their employees outside activities may reflect back on their work performance or a businesses stance on certain behaviors or lifestyles, stated by Kelly Vergara, Exe. Dir of Resource Interactive, "We can learn a little about the candidate's culture fit and professionalism, we screen for culture above all else, so this is important”. In some cases the results of inappropriate behavior has caused the firing of people. Controversial information, such as information about the candidate drinking or using drugs and inappropriate photographs, were the top reasons for dismissal ( 2008).
Friends and Associates
One of the unique things about social networks are the “linking” capabilities online. When you post something your friends and associates are sometimes notified when you have made changes to your profile, upload pictures, or music. Through your friends others can see you as well. The ability to “hide” is negated and you are still exposed unless you set your self up as “private”. Using your site as a networking device means checking out who you are linked to. You can’t wait to get to an interview to “clean up” your site, by that time your site has already been viewed and evaluated. Many employers know how to 'Google' potential candidates to see what they can find out about them -- both the good and the bad. Consistently you need to remember that social networking profiles can mean potential employers are evaluating you before you even apply for the job. When you interview you wear your best clothes, so polish your profile with the same care and tell Jaja or Mookie to stop adding those club pictures to your site if both of you are job searching or trying to get in to college. You both may end up missing the best job you could ever have or be denied entrance to a college.
Digital Age of the 21st Century
The age of digital information is an age of moving information quickly and with the speed of thought. In the book “Business At The Speed of Thought” (Bill Gates); Gates discusses that the life blood of business and networking is information. The use of technology allows us to grow, mature, and expand into other markets and learning opportunities. With social networks, IT (information technology) creates a new business and social resource where we will have virtual partnerships that potentially can enhance communication and collaboration. These formed properly can build wealth and expansion of ideas or speed up the demise of a business or individual just starting out in life.
Sean Jackson, 11th Grade Student – Palatka High School
William Jackson, M.Ed. Duval County Public Schools and Florida State College
April 8, 2009
Daughter Daddy Dance

Girls Inc. Second Annual Daddy Daughter Dance
Fathers represented their daughters in an awesome demonstration of unity and brotherhood at the recent Girls Inc. ( “The Daddy Daughter Golf Ball”. There are no qualms that the fathers in attendance made a significant and powerful impression on their daughters by taking time to dine, dance and display gentlemanly mannerisms that set high standards;
Fathers represented their daughters in an awesome demonstration of unity and brotherhood at the recent Girls Inc. ( “The Daddy Daughter Golf Ball”. There are no qualms that the fathers in attendance made a significant and powerful impression on their daughters by taking time to dine, dance and display gentlemanly mannerisms that set high standards;
As quoted by Joseph Addison, “Certain, there is no kind of affection so purely angelic as of a father to a daughter. In love to our wives there is desire; to our sons, ambition; but to our daughters there is something which there are no words to express“.
The developmental, emotional and psychological growth and maturity of girls is such that if a father shows his daughter the appropriate kind of attention and guides their maturity as they grow into adulthood, girls will be more apt to graduate from high school and continue on to higher education, military service or higher skilled careers. As in the spiritual song, “Father, I Stretch My Hands To Thee”, (African American Heritage Hymnal 2001). Stated, “Father, I stretch my hands to thee, no other help I know, If thou with draw thyself from me. O whither shall I go”? Where will our daughters go if they cannot hold our hands to lead them? Our daughter’s need our guidance, these young princesses growing to be queens; Black, White, Asian, Hispanic, Haitian, Mexican and others in attendance need our love and loving discipline/guidance. If we don’t extend our hands, “no other help I know” as the hymnal states, where will our daughters go and who will they go to?
The developmental, emotional and psychological growth and maturity of girls is such that if a father shows his daughter the appropriate kind of attention and guides their maturity as they grow into adulthood, girls will be more apt to graduate from high school and continue on to higher education, military service or higher skilled careers. As in the spiritual song, “Father, I Stretch My Hands To Thee”, (African American Heritage Hymnal 2001). Stated, “Father, I stretch my hands to thee, no other help I know, If thou with draw thyself from me. O whither shall I go”? Where will our daughters go if they cannot hold our hands to lead them? Our daughter’s need our guidance, these young princesses growing to be queens; Black, White, Asian, Hispanic, Haitian, Mexican and others in attendance need our love and loving discipline/guidance. If we don’t extend our hands, “no other help I know” as the hymnal states, where will our daughters go and who will they go to?
The Girls Inc. organization is unique in that they cater to the needs of young ladies not just in Jacksonville, but across the nation; Girls Inc. reaches over 800,000 girls from all walks of life regardless of cultural background, family economic status, religious affiliations or the color tones of their skin. The organizational entity of Girls Inc. is such that they recognize a need the community/nation has and taken a step foreword doing work that needs to be done in a girl’s life, a service that establishes relevant teaching, mentorship and the building of self esteems. The mission states, “inspiring all girls to be strong, smart and bold, Girls Incorporated of Jacksonville is dedicated to girls aged six and up to be self-confident, responsible and well-rounded individuals by delivering research-based, age-appropriate, after-school and summer educational and sports programs”
( Our daughters are our future lawyers, doctors, teachers, mayors, senators, or even President of the United States of America; an unknown author once said, “A daughter is the happy memories of the past, the joyful moments of the present, and the hope and promise of the future”. Through our daughters we can influence the future by instilling in our daughters a sense of purpose and a drive to excellence.
( Our daughters are our future lawyers, doctors, teachers, mayors, senators, or even President of the United States of America; an unknown author once said, “A daughter is the happy memories of the past, the joyful moments of the present, and the hope and promise of the future”. Through our daughters we can influence the future by instilling in our daughters a sense of purpose and a drive to excellence.
Fathers need to continue to support the efforts that direct the steps of girls throughout the challenges they will face in the world. There are pressures and perils, from the media to other external influences that do not always have our daughter’s best interests at hand. We as fathers share a unique brotherhood, a brotherhood where we need to continue to support each other and be down with helping our girls be the best that they can be, to support the efforts of the Girls Inc. with volunteering time and providing resources to assist them in their efforts to guide our future leaders.
I’m sure I speak for many fathers that were in attendance and say Thank you, Girls Inc. for your efforts and we as father’s support your labors in helping our daughters achieve their potential and realize their individual gifts, talents, uniqueness, strengths, and beauty that they possess. I share these sentiments that Helen Claes states, “What I wanted most for my daughter was that she be able to soar confidently in her own sky, whatever that may be”.
Girls Inc. ROCKS….
March 12, 2009
America Needs Black History Month
Commonality of Interest (Part 1)
America Needs Black History Month
1964 - 1984 - 2009
“The strength of the United States is not the gold at Fort Knox or
the weapons of mass destruction that we have, but the sum total
of the education and the character of our people".
Claiborne Pell (1918 - )
The strength of Black History Month (BHM) is the opportunity for us of color to express their commonality and connection with each other. Regardless of the shades and tones of our skin we are coupled from a heritage of African descent. BHM is a time to re-energize our cultural spirituality and allow for cognitive connectivity, not just for emotional impartation of the events of the past as they affect our current and future status in the global socialization and economy. This time allows (although short) to reflect on past struggles and accomplishments, to commit in forging forward despite challenging economics and social integrations and relational collaborations. Bringing to the forefront new leadership with an expanded vision and thanking those of the past for their sacrifices so that we may enjoy the rewards. Just as Marcus Garvey was able to achieve an accord through an ideology of unity and pride which allowed Blacks to ”stand tall and quiet, emitting pride and dignity” (Mills, J. “Marcus Garvey").
A Cultural Balance
Our cultural balance was thrown off by slave ships, plantation life, injustice, indentured servitude, Jim Crow laws, segregation, poverty, denial of educational equality, and equal political representation. All these quests can be summed up in one statement “I Have A Dream”. It is more than a statement, it affirms to several quests as stated by Coretta Scott King in 1984 when she revisited the March on Washington, D. C., which was after the “I Have A Dream” speech of 1964. The March in 1984 had a “Commonality of Interest” to the effect that Mrs. King stated, “this walk is for justice, peace, brotherhood, and equality.” Twenty years earlier in the original March on Washington, D.C. an eloquent and motivational speech was presented by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and others in the quest of equality in all areas of American life and not just for Blacks specifically, but for all those who were experiencing racism and the denial of human rights. We should not forget nor dishonor the memory of many whites and those of other nationalities that fought beside us. As a result of the March and events leading up to it, a comprehensive Civil Rights Act ( and a Voting Rights Act was signed in 1964. Robert Kennedy made a profound statement, “the number one domestic problem within America is the race problem”. There is still a commonality of interest that people of different shades of color receive the same treatment, the same educational opportunities and representation in government to achieve the same American dream as those of European descent.
Fighting the Fight – Good versus Evil
During the 60’s and 70’s our young people were losing their lives on domestic and foreign battlefields, but now in the new century our young people are still loosing their lives again on two fronts. We are still fighting our never ending battle of good versus evil. Now more than ever, we need BHM; we need to keep holding hands and singing songs, we need our speeches and hymns, we need our spiritual leaders to motivate us and inspire us. Just as Malcolm X commented about the church, “"When you go to a church and you see the pastor of that church with a philosophy and a program that's designed to bring black people together and elevate black people, join that church! ”It prophetesses to the affirmations of “I Have A Dream” and “We Shall Over Come”. A nation keeping its promise to treat its citizen’s equal regardless of their cultural differences. To allow all of its citizens the rights granted by the Constitution of the United States. Reverend Joseph Lowery (SCLC 1984) stated that, ”America has a venture that transcends race, color or creed. This venture breaks through ideologies and nationalities.” The speech that Rev. Lowery shared in 1984 contained similar sentiments that he expressed in 2009 during the inauguration of President Barack Obama. In 1984 he spoke of a “coalition of conscience with Protestants, Catholics, Jews, Muslims, Black, White, Brown, Red, and Yellow still have a dream”. The transcending of sentiments through years does not diminish the desired need of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That all men (women) have inalienable rights such a life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
Twenty-five Years Later
On January 20, 2009 just as in 1984 Rev. Lowery’s controversial speech ended with these words, “We are working for that day when Black will not be asked to get back, when Brown can stick around, when yellow can be mella, and when White will be alright”. How true these words today in building bridges to cultural acceptance and societal equality not just tolerance. Spoken as a prophet with a message to the masses these words ring true even in the 21st century. Just as in the 1890’s with Marcus Garvey who spoke in Harlem and throughout the country about the “unity of the spirit”. The power of the voice and of the pen has enabled many to learn of the accomplishments of people both men and women. Twenty-five years brings change in ideologies and sentiments, but the quest for equality and respect remains the same.
President of Color
We have a President of color and a multicultural cabinet that will lead us for the next four maybe eight years. We need Black History Month because Black History is American history; without our history there can be no American history. The interconnected and interrelational connection cannot be undone or denied. Walter Philip Reuther stated that, ”there was a building of a functioning broad coalition of Americans from all walks of life and all points of view, of all races, creeds and colors who can carry on the struggle of fighting discrimination in housing, education, employment and public accommodations” (1984).
These same sentiments transcended into the 21st century where the struggle continues not just for African Americans, but for all those who are exposed to the violation and denial of human rights. Heritage of Civil Rights LeadersJust as Malcolm X stated years ago, ”you wont know where you are going if you don’t know where you came from”. This applies to all of humanity, not just Blacks but Whites as well because of the various cultural combinations that are present. The efforts of Marcus Garvey, Malcolm X, Stockley Carmichael, A. Phillip Randolph, Rev. Jessie Jackson, Rev. Joseph Lowery and others we are able to gain an equal footing in these United States that at one time and still in some cases try to deny our contributions to society. Black History Month allows us to learn that in 1964 a Voting Rights bill was enacted, 1967 Edward Brook, first Black U.S Senator, 1967 Thurgood Marshall, first Black on Supreme Court, Carl Stokes and Richard Hatcher, first Black Mayors of U.S cities, 1968 Shirley Chisolm, first Black woman elected to Congress and later to run for office of President of the United States and 1992 Carol Mosley Braun, first Black woman elected to U.S. Senate and later to run for office of President of the United States. All of their accomplishments and more have allowed January 20, 2009 to happen. The road to the White House is paved with both Black and White blood, both races contributed to the development of our nation’s capital and in historical terms presents a full circle for African Americans. First they built it now one of us lives in it.
As a result of the quest for equality two statements are of equal value even in the 21st century, “I Have A Dream” Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. 1964 ( and “We Shall Over Come” the theme song of the civil rights movement
These statements used in days of political change by our current political leader President Barack Obama. What irony it is today when whites commented there will never be a Black President and Blacks commented one day we will have a Black President. This is just another page in the annuals of Black (American) History.
William Jackson, M.Ed.
America Needs Black History Month
1964 - 1984 - 2009
“The strength of the United States is not the gold at Fort Knox or
the weapons of mass destruction that we have, but the sum total
of the education and the character of our people".
Claiborne Pell (1918 - )
The strength of Black History Month (BHM) is the opportunity for us of color to express their commonality and connection with each other. Regardless of the shades and tones of our skin we are coupled from a heritage of African descent. BHM is a time to re-energize our cultural spirituality and allow for cognitive connectivity, not just for emotional impartation of the events of the past as they affect our current and future status in the global socialization and economy. This time allows (although short) to reflect on past struggles and accomplishments, to commit in forging forward despite challenging economics and social integrations and relational collaborations. Bringing to the forefront new leadership with an expanded vision and thanking those of the past for their sacrifices so that we may enjoy the rewards. Just as Marcus Garvey was able to achieve an accord through an ideology of unity and pride which allowed Blacks to ”stand tall and quiet, emitting pride and dignity” (Mills, J. “Marcus Garvey").
A Cultural Balance
Our cultural balance was thrown off by slave ships, plantation life, injustice, indentured servitude, Jim Crow laws, segregation, poverty, denial of educational equality, and equal political representation. All these quests can be summed up in one statement “I Have A Dream”. It is more than a statement, it affirms to several quests as stated by Coretta Scott King in 1984 when she revisited the March on Washington, D. C., which was after the “I Have A Dream” speech of 1964. The March in 1984 had a “Commonality of Interest” to the effect that Mrs. King stated, “this walk is for justice, peace, brotherhood, and equality.” Twenty years earlier in the original March on Washington, D.C. an eloquent and motivational speech was presented by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and others in the quest of equality in all areas of American life and not just for Blacks specifically, but for all those who were experiencing racism and the denial of human rights. We should not forget nor dishonor the memory of many whites and those of other nationalities that fought beside us. As a result of the March and events leading up to it, a comprehensive Civil Rights Act ( and a Voting Rights Act was signed in 1964. Robert Kennedy made a profound statement, “the number one domestic problem within America is the race problem”. There is still a commonality of interest that people of different shades of color receive the same treatment, the same educational opportunities and representation in government to achieve the same American dream as those of European descent.
Fighting the Fight – Good versus Evil
During the 60’s and 70’s our young people were losing their lives on domestic and foreign battlefields, but now in the new century our young people are still loosing their lives again on two fronts. We are still fighting our never ending battle of good versus evil. Now more than ever, we need BHM; we need to keep holding hands and singing songs, we need our speeches and hymns, we need our spiritual leaders to motivate us and inspire us. Just as Malcolm X commented about the church, “"When you go to a church and you see the pastor of that church with a philosophy and a program that's designed to bring black people together and elevate black people, join that church! ”It prophetesses to the affirmations of “I Have A Dream” and “We Shall Over Come”. A nation keeping its promise to treat its citizen’s equal regardless of their cultural differences. To allow all of its citizens the rights granted by the Constitution of the United States. Reverend Joseph Lowery (SCLC 1984) stated that, ”America has a venture that transcends race, color or creed. This venture breaks through ideologies and nationalities.” The speech that Rev. Lowery shared in 1984 contained similar sentiments that he expressed in 2009 during the inauguration of President Barack Obama. In 1984 he spoke of a “coalition of conscience with Protestants, Catholics, Jews, Muslims, Black, White, Brown, Red, and Yellow still have a dream”. The transcending of sentiments through years does not diminish the desired need of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That all men (women) have inalienable rights such a life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
Twenty-five Years Later
On January 20, 2009 just as in 1984 Rev. Lowery’s controversial speech ended with these words, “We are working for that day when Black will not be asked to get back, when Brown can stick around, when yellow can be mella, and when White will be alright”. How true these words today in building bridges to cultural acceptance and societal equality not just tolerance. Spoken as a prophet with a message to the masses these words ring true even in the 21st century. Just as in the 1890’s with Marcus Garvey who spoke in Harlem and throughout the country about the “unity of the spirit”. The power of the voice and of the pen has enabled many to learn of the accomplishments of people both men and women. Twenty-five years brings change in ideologies and sentiments, but the quest for equality and respect remains the same.
President of Color
We have a President of color and a multicultural cabinet that will lead us for the next four maybe eight years. We need Black History Month because Black History is American history; without our history there can be no American history. The interconnected and interrelational connection cannot be undone or denied. Walter Philip Reuther stated that, ”there was a building of a functioning broad coalition of Americans from all walks of life and all points of view, of all races, creeds and colors who can carry on the struggle of fighting discrimination in housing, education, employment and public accommodations” (1984).
These same sentiments transcended into the 21st century where the struggle continues not just for African Americans, but for all those who are exposed to the violation and denial of human rights. Heritage of Civil Rights LeadersJust as Malcolm X stated years ago, ”you wont know where you are going if you don’t know where you came from”. This applies to all of humanity, not just Blacks but Whites as well because of the various cultural combinations that are present. The efforts of Marcus Garvey, Malcolm X, Stockley Carmichael, A. Phillip Randolph, Rev. Jessie Jackson, Rev. Joseph Lowery and others we are able to gain an equal footing in these United States that at one time and still in some cases try to deny our contributions to society. Black History Month allows us to learn that in 1964 a Voting Rights bill was enacted, 1967 Edward Brook, first Black U.S Senator, 1967 Thurgood Marshall, first Black on Supreme Court, Carl Stokes and Richard Hatcher, first Black Mayors of U.S cities, 1968 Shirley Chisolm, first Black woman elected to Congress and later to run for office of President of the United States and 1992 Carol Mosley Braun, first Black woman elected to U.S. Senate and later to run for office of President of the United States. All of their accomplishments and more have allowed January 20, 2009 to happen. The road to the White House is paved with both Black and White blood, both races contributed to the development of our nation’s capital and in historical terms presents a full circle for African Americans. First they built it now one of us lives in it.
As a result of the quest for equality two statements are of equal value even in the 21st century, “I Have A Dream” Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. 1964 ( and “We Shall Over Come” the theme song of the civil rights movement
These statements used in days of political change by our current political leader President Barack Obama. What irony it is today when whites commented there will never be a Black President and Blacks commented one day we will have a Black President. This is just another page in the annuals of Black (American) History.
William Jackson, M.Ed.
February 10, 2009
A Valentines Mission For Fathers
Dear Fathers,
As another Valentines Day looms closer we as fathers should be determined to show the other lady or ladies in our life that we love them. Traditionally we display affection for our wives, girlfriends, mothers, grandmother, etc but what of the other important ladies in our life, our daughters. Daughters, a reflection of us and their mothers, she is just as special as her mother in our life. Valentines Day is noteworthy to expressing love that words in card, candy, jewelry or flowers cannot truly express. We expect our daughters (natural born, step or adopted) to know that we love them, but just like adult women we have to “show” young ladies that we do love them along with telling them. If you truly love your daughters back up your words with action.
Foundations of Love
Girls love their daddies, the love that is shared is a foundation for future relationships that will either blossom into healthy and stable interaction between boys and girls or become unhealthy and chaotic. A father’s relationship with their daughter is built on trust and communication (verbal and nonverbal), a trust that daddy will be there to provide, to shelter, to comfort and be strong in sickness and health. Just as there are wedding vows there are vows for fathers and daughters unspoken, but emotionally far reaching. Fathers are not aware of the impact they have on their daughter’s future emotional, psychological and relational development. The foundations of their relationship can be developed from open and honest communication. No lies, no deceit, no cover-ups, just open and honest truth about your love and your expectations for what you should be doing to provide for your girl(s). History will judge you as a father by the behavior of your daughter and son and what their choices are in life. Most girls choose someone like their father for a potential mate, so what kind of father are you going to be? We are our daughters’ role model for life…Experts agree that a girl's future relationships with men are often shaped by both her relationship with her father and her father's relationships with the daughters mother. In simple, broad-brush terms, girls who are treated disrespectfully and/or see their mothers being treated disrespectfully sometimes come to tolerate that kind of treatment from future boyfriends, husbands, even male colleagues (Raise Your Daughter Right)
Trips of the Heart
Create an opportunity when father and daughter go out together even after Valentines Day. Go to the park, to get ice cream, go to the beach, go to church, just go for walks just to talk. Don’t expect your daughter to develop a relationship with you, as a father you have to develop what type of relationship you want established. This is not always natural and sometimes takes work, but it is well worth the effort. Go on a date with your daughter and show her how a “gentleman” treats a lady with patience, respect and kindness. There will be times when your daughter is older she will reflect and retake these “Trips of the Heart” that remind her of you. The Bible gives us the key to raising our children in Proverbs 22:6. "Train a child in the way they should go, and when they are old they will not turn from it." What way do you want your child to go and who do you want her to go with? Teach her now that she deserves respect, teach her now to be confident, teach her now to be independent and self reliant. Prepare her now for success in family and career decisions. Your daughter will take Trips of the Heart and remember what daddy taught her as to how she should be treated and loved.
As another Valentines Day looms closer we as fathers should be determined to show the other lady or ladies in our life that we love them. Traditionally we display affection for our wives, girlfriends, mothers, grandmother, etc but what of the other important ladies in our life, our daughters. Daughters, a reflection of us and their mothers, she is just as special as her mother in our life. Valentines Day is noteworthy to expressing love that words in card, candy, jewelry or flowers cannot truly express. We expect our daughters (natural born, step or adopted) to know that we love them, but just like adult women we have to “show” young ladies that we do love them along with telling them. If you truly love your daughters back up your words with action.
Foundations of Love
Girls love their daddies, the love that is shared is a foundation for future relationships that will either blossom into healthy and stable interaction between boys and girls or become unhealthy and chaotic. A father’s relationship with their daughter is built on trust and communication (verbal and nonverbal), a trust that daddy will be there to provide, to shelter, to comfort and be strong in sickness and health. Just as there are wedding vows there are vows for fathers and daughters unspoken, but emotionally far reaching. Fathers are not aware of the impact they have on their daughter’s future emotional, psychological and relational development. The foundations of their relationship can be developed from open and honest communication. No lies, no deceit, no cover-ups, just open and honest truth about your love and your expectations for what you should be doing to provide for your girl(s). History will judge you as a father by the behavior of your daughter and son and what their choices are in life. Most girls choose someone like their father for a potential mate, so what kind of father are you going to be? We are our daughters’ role model for life…Experts agree that a girl's future relationships with men are often shaped by both her relationship with her father and her father's relationships with the daughters mother. In simple, broad-brush terms, girls who are treated disrespectfully and/or see their mothers being treated disrespectfully sometimes come to tolerate that kind of treatment from future boyfriends, husbands, even male colleagues (Raise Your Daughter Right)
Trips of the Heart
Create an opportunity when father and daughter go out together even after Valentines Day. Go to the park, to get ice cream, go to the beach, go to church, just go for walks just to talk. Don’t expect your daughter to develop a relationship with you, as a father you have to develop what type of relationship you want established. This is not always natural and sometimes takes work, but it is well worth the effort. Go on a date with your daughter and show her how a “gentleman” treats a lady with patience, respect and kindness. There will be times when your daughter is older she will reflect and retake these “Trips of the Heart” that remind her of you. The Bible gives us the key to raising our children in Proverbs 22:6. "Train a child in the way they should go, and when they are old they will not turn from it." What way do you want your child to go and who do you want her to go with? Teach her now that she deserves respect, teach her now to be confident, teach her now to be independent and self reliant. Prepare her now for success in family and career decisions. Your daughter will take Trips of the Heart and remember what daddy taught her as to how she should be treated and loved.
Admit when you make a mistake
No one is perfect, so in your daughters eyes do not try to paint a picture of something that you are not. Your daughter will see right through deceptions and it may distort her image of you. Real men do admit when they make mistakes, but they also correct them. This proves that you are human with frailties and imperfections like other men. Trying to set yourself up as perfect a “superman” will cause you and other men in your daughters’ life to set themselves up for failure. Allow her to make this determination about her father. Do not be afraid to apologize to a child if you feel you were too hard on them or wrong in some way. This builds a respect that transcends years in a father and daughter relationship. Forget your pride--your child will respect and love you.
Individual responsibility
No one is perfect, so in your daughters eyes do not try to paint a picture of something that you are not. Your daughter will see right through deceptions and it may distort her image of you. Real men do admit when they make mistakes, but they also correct them. This proves that you are human with frailties and imperfections like other men. Trying to set yourself up as perfect a “superman” will cause you and other men in your daughters’ life to set themselves up for failure. Allow her to make this determination about her father. Do not be afraid to apologize to a child if you feel you were too hard on them or wrong in some way. This builds a respect that transcends years in a father and daughter relationship. Forget your pride--your child will respect and love you.
Individual responsibility
Fathers be responsible for your actions and take responsibility to help raise your daughter and son. If you are in the home or not you helped create that child, if you are a step parent you have an added responsibility to show that non-biological men can be good fathers with patience and prayer, it is not easy, but you fill a void, a need that transcends biology. Surrogate fathers and step fathers do serve a valuable role, you still are viewed as a “father figure” so that young lady may not say it, but she needs to know you are there today, tomorrow and the next day. There will come a time when she will need your help in her life and will call on the “father” that she knows.
Diversity Not Just Black and White
So many of our families have diverse backgrounds that it is not uncommon today to have Christian and Muslim families, Hispanic and Haitian, Mexican and Hispanic, Irish and Jamaican, Native American and Black, Jewish and non-Jewish, African American and other ethnic backgrounds either married or living in the same household. Each family growing as one and working to make a “blended family” united. Dads are like the threads to this multicultural tapestry. Keeping the family connected even with cultural or religious challenges. Respecting ones differences and loving their individuality. The 20th century has opened up the mixing of cultures, heritages and races. It has transcended to the 21st century and here to stay. Creating a true rainbow coalition of humanity under one family unit. Love transcends all, so the love in a family will guideand build the respect, patience and understanding that is needed to make a diverse family strong. The father is the corner stone, the foundation of this love, the rock that weathers the storms of life.
So many of our families have diverse backgrounds that it is not uncommon today to have Christian and Muslim families, Hispanic and Haitian, Mexican and Hispanic, Irish and Jamaican, Native American and Black, Jewish and non-Jewish, African American and other ethnic backgrounds either married or living in the same household. Each family growing as one and working to make a “blended family” united. Dads are like the threads to this multicultural tapestry. Keeping the family connected even with cultural or religious challenges. Respecting ones differences and loving their individuality. The 20th century has opened up the mixing of cultures, heritages and races. It has transcended to the 21st century and here to stay. Creating a true rainbow coalition of humanity under one family unit. Love transcends all, so the love in a family will guideand build the respect, patience and understanding that is needed to make a diverse family strong. The father is the corner stone, the foundation of this love, the rock that weathers the storms of life.
Educational Needs
Teach your daughter that they are smart, intelligent and creative. Just because they are female does not mean they cannot be successful. Success is not always making big sums of money, driving fancy cars or wearing expensive clothes. Success can also mean obtaining a good education to provide for self; not depending on a man to do for them, but being able to do for their own even in marriage. Education is the key to a woman’s continued self growth and reliability on their skills and not some “man” to take care of them. The Bible says in Hosea 4:6, "My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge." Guard your daughters away from negativity and ignorance and guided them to knowledge and understanding. Malcolm X stated as it applies to the 21st century, “"Education is our passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it today." Our daughters will not stay children forever so we must help prepare them for the boardrooms, courtrooms, classrooms, conference rooms, presidential rooms, mayoral rooms, senatorial rooms and surgical rooms. In these turbulent times as stated by Bob Wise, President of the Alliance for Excellent Education, “The best economic stimulus package is a diploma”.
Prepare for the teenage years now
Fathers if you have not done so, now prepare for the teen years. Be ready fathers to talk about drugs, sex, relationships, good touch and bad touch, kissing, holding hands, hugging and being respected. Teach your daughter about peer pressure with alcohol, cigarettes and other drugs. Building a strong foundation now will lessen the rebellion and strive many parents experience during these years. Empower yourself with knowledge so that you will not be reactive, but proactive. Model Biblical PrinciplesDon’t wait until you are sick or in challenging times to teach your daughter aboutthe power of prayer, praise, worship and attending church. There should be a foundation of spirituality that they have for worship and prayer. Modeling means attending church not just for the sake of show, but for the development of peace of mind and spirit. Whatever religion you practice, read biblical scripture to your daughters to show that men can and do believe in the importance of biblical order and procedure. Reading at an early age develops early communication skills, cognitive processing and creative thought. This applies to the boys in the family also teaching them early that it is ok to read scripture and engage in prayer. Not to allow others to determine their destinies.
There are many challenges and distractions in parental relationships. Fathers must be more diligent to keep the lines of communication open between themselves and their children. Daughters need, require and demand a close relationship with their fathers, but in some cases do not know how to ask for it. Culturally girls are vulnerable in many ways that boys are not, and are in need of more protection and guidance. They are inundated with television and magazine ads about “how” they are supposed to look, feel, act, interact with others, and seek to be older, but not emotionally ready to accept this behavior. Fathers your job is to show your child that she is great just the way she is. Our relationship with our daughters is to protect them emotionally, physically and psychologically. Make this and every other Valentines Day and all days to come a new day for a better relationship.
Teach your daughter that they are smart, intelligent and creative. Just because they are female does not mean they cannot be successful. Success is not always making big sums of money, driving fancy cars or wearing expensive clothes. Success can also mean obtaining a good education to provide for self; not depending on a man to do for them, but being able to do for their own even in marriage. Education is the key to a woman’s continued self growth and reliability on their skills and not some “man” to take care of them. The Bible says in Hosea 4:6, "My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge." Guard your daughters away from negativity and ignorance and guided them to knowledge and understanding. Malcolm X stated as it applies to the 21st century, “"Education is our passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it today." Our daughters will not stay children forever so we must help prepare them for the boardrooms, courtrooms, classrooms, conference rooms, presidential rooms, mayoral rooms, senatorial rooms and surgical rooms. In these turbulent times as stated by Bob Wise, President of the Alliance for Excellent Education, “The best economic stimulus package is a diploma”.
Prepare for the teenage years now
Fathers if you have not done so, now prepare for the teen years. Be ready fathers to talk about drugs, sex, relationships, good touch and bad touch, kissing, holding hands, hugging and being respected. Teach your daughter about peer pressure with alcohol, cigarettes and other drugs. Building a strong foundation now will lessen the rebellion and strive many parents experience during these years. Empower yourself with knowledge so that you will not be reactive, but proactive. Model Biblical PrinciplesDon’t wait until you are sick or in challenging times to teach your daughter aboutthe power of prayer, praise, worship and attending church. There should be a foundation of spirituality that they have for worship and prayer. Modeling means attending church not just for the sake of show, but for the development of peace of mind and spirit. Whatever religion you practice, read biblical scripture to your daughters to show that men can and do believe in the importance of biblical order and procedure. Reading at an early age develops early communication skills, cognitive processing and creative thought. This applies to the boys in the family also teaching them early that it is ok to read scripture and engage in prayer. Not to allow others to determine their destinies.
There are many challenges and distractions in parental relationships. Fathers must be more diligent to keep the lines of communication open between themselves and their children. Daughters need, require and demand a close relationship with their fathers, but in some cases do not know how to ask for it. Culturally girls are vulnerable in many ways that boys are not, and are in need of more protection and guidance. They are inundated with television and magazine ads about “how” they are supposed to look, feel, act, interact with others, and seek to be older, but not emotionally ready to accept this behavior. Fathers your job is to show your child that she is great just the way she is. Our relationship with our daughters is to protect them emotionally, physically and psychologically. Make this and every other Valentines Day and all days to come a new day for a better relationship.
January 19, 2009
Educational Budget Cuts and FCAT Challenges
Don’t Get Distracted by Educational Budget Cuts and FCAT Assessment
“ Get More Involved With Your Child’s Education”
Additional budget cuts are coming for not only Duval County Public Schools, but school districts across the nation. Despite this looming travesty to children and educators alike, the quality of education does not have to weaken, what is required are parents being more involved and active in their child’s education. There is a quote from Words for the Future (Creando el futuro) that solidifies the idea of, “parents are children’s first teachers”. Children are developing from the moment of birth, their environment and the exposure that they have create a developmental impact for future learning. Parents that actively engage their infant and toddler with developmentally appropriate and consistent feedback provide learning that is enriching, engaging and creates opportunities for brain and emotional development. Stated in Words for the Future (Creando el futuro),”parents who talk, sing, read, explain and explore with their children, even during their first days of life, are giving their children a gift that will last a lifetime”. This concept was developed to provide Latino families strategies to help raise their children in a culturally diverse world. These same strategies can be applied to all children because of the growing diversity in our classrooms. These diversities, as our teachers, teacher assistants and administrators are learning do not mean gender, religious or cultural diversity, but the diversity that comes from how children learn with styles of learning (
Affects of Budget and Lottery:
In July and December 2008 Governor Crist ( signed a budget that had more that 4 billion dollars worth of budget cuts to education and Medicaid. The implications are that per student spending is cut by 1.8 percent or $130.00 per child. The promised funding supplement to Education from lottery sales to assist in promoting student learning and educational achievement was the scope, but the reality is that the funding is not used the way that it was intended. As stated by Andre Grant, a Volusia County teacher, “every year the budget for Florida’s education is reduced by the amount the state believes it will take in from the Lotto. So dollar for dollar, the Lotto profits have gone right to the schools and teachers in Florida: dollar for dollar, the state has taken an equivalent amount out of the schools and teachers in Florida; net gain $0” (Florida Courier June 20-June 28). To date Volusia County (Daytona Beach, Florida) has closed four schools which are located in predominately African American neighborhoods to save money. Relying on the lottery to save the day is not a reality nor an option when educational budgets are in the billions.
Educational Successes:
Since 2004 there has been improvement in the academic growth of students statewide. Duval County has met with great success in the areas of reading, math and strong growth in science. The implementation of educational initiatives and the push for student’s improvement in literacy, comprehension and math have helped in this growth. District wide reading programs, instructional coaches, literacy and math coaches for schools and aligning curriculums to state standards of instruction all contribute to assist the teachers in their instructional models that encourages students involvement in learning. The use of Differentiated Instruction ( allows for teachers to teach based on their students learning styles, the “one size fits all” concept is not used in the instructional process because of our diverse learners statewide. Diversity is not just in the form of ethnic, cultural, religious and gender diversity, but in learning style, grasping of concepts and exposure to materials and opportunities for cognitive growth in our children.
Team Effort:
The team effort approach is needed to help students continue to be successful; teachers cannot do it by themselves. More parents need to step up and help with their children, step into the classrooms to observe their child’s behavior, build up opportunities for learning at home with a home library not just TV or gaming time. Eric Smith, Florida Education Commissioner stated that,” we as a state need to move to the next step, the next generation of focus on reading achievement, and academic excellence” (Florida Courier November 28 – December 4 2008). Parents are encouraged by visiting the school more to observe behavior, attend PTO/PTA meetings, join school advisory committees, and attend school board meetings to learn about proposed budget/curriculum changes. When parent/teacher conferences are scheduled attend them with an open mind and willingness to help the teacher. It is important to be proactive instead of reactive to combat disruptive behavior, low self confidence, and fear of failure that some students exhibit.
FCAT Assessment:
Budget cuts should not affect students success, students should be vigorously preparing for the upcoming assessment in and out of school. Every grade level improved in 2007 and growth is expected for 2008 (Florida Courier November 28 – December 4 2008).
Testing Dates:
Preparation is the key to any successful campaign. There are available resources such as FCAT Explorer (, that are available online for all students in third grade and above; Starfall ( provides work in reading and math for primary grades, that help to build skills in later years. Churches are providing supplemental assistance: Bethel Baptist Institutional Church has a Saturday Academy (BEST Saturday Academy), other churches and civic organizations are providing tutorial services in and out of schools in our state, check with teachers and guidance counselors to see what is available, many are free. Visit local libraries for resources in CD ROM and DVD formats for interactive learning.
Foundation to Learning:
Parental concerns for their child’s success in school should not start in January, but should have started in August, the first day of instruction when the foundation is set. Parents need to understand for middle and high school students that, “the importance of comprehension, fluency and vocabulary increases as students move up in grade”, Education Commissioner, Eric Smith. These skills are needed to be successful on ACT/SAT testing and ASVAB for military entrance. The foundation to learning is based in the primary grades (PreK to 2nd) where parents are more noticeably involved, but their participation wanes in the middle and high school years where it should stay consistent or increase because of academic pressures, in middle school students a parents presence is needed because of the hormonal and behavioral changes of children at this age which can cause challenges in the learning environment.
Tara DuRant, Reading First Coach and Rhonda Jones, Standards Coach suggestions for parents: Mrs. DuRant suggests that, “parents can pre-arrange a date and time to come in to observe their child in the classroom setting, paying careful attention to only observe and not interact with their child. Parents can gain invaluable insight by doing this and then having a conference with the teacher at a later time. Also, parents can go a step farther to not only ask if their child has homework, but ask to see the homework and/or agenda book. This way the parent can see what the child is working on in class and they get an idea of how their child is doing with that skill”.
Mrs. Jones suggests that,” parents be familiar with what your child should be learning for each subject area, provide your child with newly learned skill or concept reinforcement at home by reviewing homework and asking questions about how they arrived at their answers and ask to see quizzes and tests, and review it with the child. These reinforce classroom instruction and helps you as the parent be aware of what is being taught”. Communication between the home and school allows each to be equally yoked in working towards a child’s academic success. Don’t let the threat of budget cuts, shortfalls, cut backs or downgrades keep you from working for the best education your child deserves.
Wm Jackson
“ Get More Involved With Your Child’s Education”
Additional budget cuts are coming for not only Duval County Public Schools, but school districts across the nation. Despite this looming travesty to children and educators alike, the quality of education does not have to weaken, what is required are parents being more involved and active in their child’s education. There is a quote from Words for the Future (Creando el futuro) that solidifies the idea of, “parents are children’s first teachers”. Children are developing from the moment of birth, their environment and the exposure that they have create a developmental impact for future learning. Parents that actively engage their infant and toddler with developmentally appropriate and consistent feedback provide learning that is enriching, engaging and creates opportunities for brain and emotional development. Stated in Words for the Future (Creando el futuro),”parents who talk, sing, read, explain and explore with their children, even during their first days of life, are giving their children a gift that will last a lifetime”. This concept was developed to provide Latino families strategies to help raise their children in a culturally diverse world. These same strategies can be applied to all children because of the growing diversity in our classrooms. These diversities, as our teachers, teacher assistants and administrators are learning do not mean gender, religious or cultural diversity, but the diversity that comes from how children learn with styles of learning (
Affects of Budget and Lottery:
In July and December 2008 Governor Crist ( signed a budget that had more that 4 billion dollars worth of budget cuts to education and Medicaid. The implications are that per student spending is cut by 1.8 percent or $130.00 per child. The promised funding supplement to Education from lottery sales to assist in promoting student learning and educational achievement was the scope, but the reality is that the funding is not used the way that it was intended. As stated by Andre Grant, a Volusia County teacher, “every year the budget for Florida’s education is reduced by the amount the state believes it will take in from the Lotto. So dollar for dollar, the Lotto profits have gone right to the schools and teachers in Florida: dollar for dollar, the state has taken an equivalent amount out of the schools and teachers in Florida; net gain $0” (Florida Courier June 20-June 28). To date Volusia County (Daytona Beach, Florida) has closed four schools which are located in predominately African American neighborhoods to save money. Relying on the lottery to save the day is not a reality nor an option when educational budgets are in the billions.
Educational Successes:
Since 2004 there has been improvement in the academic growth of students statewide. Duval County has met with great success in the areas of reading, math and strong growth in science. The implementation of educational initiatives and the push for student’s improvement in literacy, comprehension and math have helped in this growth. District wide reading programs, instructional coaches, literacy and math coaches for schools and aligning curriculums to state standards of instruction all contribute to assist the teachers in their instructional models that encourages students involvement in learning. The use of Differentiated Instruction ( allows for teachers to teach based on their students learning styles, the “one size fits all” concept is not used in the instructional process because of our diverse learners statewide. Diversity is not just in the form of ethnic, cultural, religious and gender diversity, but in learning style, grasping of concepts and exposure to materials and opportunities for cognitive growth in our children.
Team Effort:
The team effort approach is needed to help students continue to be successful; teachers cannot do it by themselves. More parents need to step up and help with their children, step into the classrooms to observe their child’s behavior, build up opportunities for learning at home with a home library not just TV or gaming time. Eric Smith, Florida Education Commissioner stated that,” we as a state need to move to the next step, the next generation of focus on reading achievement, and academic excellence” (Florida Courier November 28 – December 4 2008). Parents are encouraged by visiting the school more to observe behavior, attend PTO/PTA meetings, join school advisory committees, and attend school board meetings to learn about proposed budget/curriculum changes. When parent/teacher conferences are scheduled attend them with an open mind and willingness to help the teacher. It is important to be proactive instead of reactive to combat disruptive behavior, low self confidence, and fear of failure that some students exhibit.
FCAT Assessment:
Budget cuts should not affect students success, students should be vigorously preparing for the upcoming assessment in and out of school. Every grade level improved in 2007 and growth is expected for 2008 (Florida Courier November 28 – December 4 2008).
Testing Dates:
Preparation is the key to any successful campaign. There are available resources such as FCAT Explorer (, that are available online for all students in third grade and above; Starfall ( provides work in reading and math for primary grades, that help to build skills in later years. Churches are providing supplemental assistance: Bethel Baptist Institutional Church has a Saturday Academy (BEST Saturday Academy), other churches and civic organizations are providing tutorial services in and out of schools in our state, check with teachers and guidance counselors to see what is available, many are free. Visit local libraries for resources in CD ROM and DVD formats for interactive learning.
Foundation to Learning:
Parental concerns for their child’s success in school should not start in January, but should have started in August, the first day of instruction when the foundation is set. Parents need to understand for middle and high school students that, “the importance of comprehension, fluency and vocabulary increases as students move up in grade”, Education Commissioner, Eric Smith. These skills are needed to be successful on ACT/SAT testing and ASVAB for military entrance. The foundation to learning is based in the primary grades (PreK to 2nd) where parents are more noticeably involved, but their participation wanes in the middle and high school years where it should stay consistent or increase because of academic pressures, in middle school students a parents presence is needed because of the hormonal and behavioral changes of children at this age which can cause challenges in the learning environment.
Tara DuRant, Reading First Coach and Rhonda Jones, Standards Coach suggestions for parents: Mrs. DuRant suggests that, “parents can pre-arrange a date and time to come in to observe their child in the classroom setting, paying careful attention to only observe and not interact with their child. Parents can gain invaluable insight by doing this and then having a conference with the teacher at a later time. Also, parents can go a step farther to not only ask if their child has homework, but ask to see the homework and/or agenda book. This way the parent can see what the child is working on in class and they get an idea of how their child is doing with that skill”.
Mrs. Jones suggests that,” parents be familiar with what your child should be learning for each subject area, provide your child with newly learned skill or concept reinforcement at home by reviewing homework and asking questions about how they arrived at their answers and ask to see quizzes and tests, and review it with the child. These reinforce classroom instruction and helps you as the parent be aware of what is being taught”. Communication between the home and school allows each to be equally yoked in working towards a child’s academic success. Don’t let the threat of budget cuts, shortfalls, cut backs or downgrades keep you from working for the best education your child deserves.
Wm Jackson
January 9, 2009
Our Communities Need Volunteers This New Year
Community Service By Businesses,
This holiday season I volunteered at the Clara White Mission in Jacksonville, Florida to help in serving food to the homeless. Businesses represented also were volunteering their employee’s time: PHH (a mortgage company) and Blue Cross and Blue Shield an (insurance company). I did not know what to expect from the facilities, the people or their clients (homeless), but the businesses that volunteer set the tone for a wonderful holiday for those that were present. I was pleasantly surprised that the food that was prepared was of very good quality. The cooking staffs are very professional, helpful and knowledgeable in creating nutritious meals. They were learning the skills necessary to work in various food industry careers, from their experiences in the Culinary Arts Program at the Clara White Mission. Theirs is a sense of purpose, understanding that they serve a humane principle in feeding the homeless and providing services that contribute to the community that they life and work in. The clients (homeless) were treated with respect and dignity. They were not looked down on, judged nor mistreated in any way. That is the vestiges of a First Class organization; it reminded me of a valuable lesson that no matter what a person looks like or has gone through we should not nor need to judge them by their appearance. As the old saying goes, “never judge a book by its cover”. Business owners know the importance of professional dress, but what of those who are good workers, but lack the means to dress as “we see fit”, who are we to judge those that are going through tough times.
The Mission, "The Clara White Mission is to reduce homelessness through advocacy, housing, job training and employment by partnering with business and local community resources." The significance did not escape me to the fact that I was contributing my time to a cause that was ongoing for years here in Jacksonville, Florida. I learned about the history of the Clara White Mission that can be found at: and through a tour of the facilities. Because of the dedication, passion and purpose of the workers they support the cause of helping those who need these services to survive. Without these services the homeless would be challenged more so to find food, shelter and community services. In 2003, 17,500 people experienced homelessness in Jacksonville, 86 percent more people than in 2000, these men and women may have been business owners themselves,
( Because of our current economic volatility there are more homeless on our streets and in our shelters and homeless centers, the numbers are growing across this country. We can see the ravages of the economic struggles as businesses are going under each and every day.
Many of the homeless are located in downtown and at the beaches of our city. In our schools there are children and young adults who are homeless, and sit in our classrooms trying to better themselves through the educational system of our public schools. Regardless of their conditions they work to improve life for themselves and families through the educational opportunities that are available. That is why this challenge is the responsibility of all businesses small or large.
I cannot afford to judge anyone, nor look down on those who are homeless. I don’t know their struggles, challenges nor do I know their medical or financial circumstances. That is not my place to question, but as a business owner it is my responsibility and our responsibility as national community to help those who need help in living and surviving until they can provide for themselves. Even if it is volunteering time to feed those who do not have the resources to feed themselves, how close are we to joblessness and homelessness?
I do not know the stories of these men, women and in some cases children, but can visually witness the struggles that many face in this volatile economic and political change we are experiencing. I can only say for myself that I have a greater appreciation for my blessings in serving my church and working in an industry (education) that has a direct impact on the lives of children and adults.As I drive to work on some occasions I see some of these same individuals going about their day to day activities while I work to shape young lives the best that I can and in turn pray for the children that are faced with hunger, homelessness and other challenges that I cannot imagine. There are many of our leaders who are proponents to volunteering time in community service: John F. Kennedy, Jr., Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and now President-elect Barack Obama. Many of us including myself are just a pay check or pay checks away from financial chaos if struck with a medical or financial setback. There are no bail outs for us only hard work, cutting back on expenses, budgeting our earnings, and prayer, but the homeless have no where to go, we cannot wish them away, put them in situations of incarceration with over crowding jail cells or move them to other cities that are hurting also. The majority are the products of our own communities and may have been our neighbours or family members. There is no place for them to go except in many cases the streets. We as a community that can support Jaguars, Gators, Ospreys, Seminoles, Hokies, Bulldogs, Tigers and others in physical and emotional pursuits of entertainment should be able to support those that at one time or another may have sat beside us, ate with us, worshipped with us, taught us, serviced our cars and our physical ailments in hospitals now need our help.
Volunteer some time to help those who you pass by every day and may at one time themselves or someone like them helped you or had been a blessing to you before the ravages of life and situations contributed to their current lifestyle of unemployment and homelessness. How can we sit in our homes, condos, and apartments and eat, drink and claim to be appreciative without sharing our time with those who need just a small amount of time to feed them, talk to them and encourage them. Our titles, jobs, degrees, political and religious affiliations do not place us above anyone, when it comes down to it we are all close enough to financial ruin to see a possible heartfelt situation for ourselves and our families.
This new year season we should not only pray and give thanks for ourselves and families, but provide some time to help those who just need a hand, a hand to pass them a hot plate, a warm blanket, or a friendly handshake. We are all thankful for our blessings, but now we should also think how we can bless others because it only takes a few challenges in our lives and we may be facing homelessness or the loss of a vehicle, a job or more.
William Jackson, M.Ed.
"Copyright William Jackson, All Rights Reserved 2008"
This holiday season I volunteered at the Clara White Mission in Jacksonville, Florida to help in serving food to the homeless. Businesses represented also were volunteering their employee’s time: PHH (a mortgage company) and Blue Cross and Blue Shield an (insurance company). I did not know what to expect from the facilities, the people or their clients (homeless), but the businesses that volunteer set the tone for a wonderful holiday for those that were present. I was pleasantly surprised that the food that was prepared was of very good quality. The cooking staffs are very professional, helpful and knowledgeable in creating nutritious meals. They were learning the skills necessary to work in various food industry careers, from their experiences in the Culinary Arts Program at the Clara White Mission. Theirs is a sense of purpose, understanding that they serve a humane principle in feeding the homeless and providing services that contribute to the community that they life and work in. The clients (homeless) were treated with respect and dignity. They were not looked down on, judged nor mistreated in any way. That is the vestiges of a First Class organization; it reminded me of a valuable lesson that no matter what a person looks like or has gone through we should not nor need to judge them by their appearance. As the old saying goes, “never judge a book by its cover”. Business owners know the importance of professional dress, but what of those who are good workers, but lack the means to dress as “we see fit”, who are we to judge those that are going through tough times.
The Mission, "The Clara White Mission is to reduce homelessness through advocacy, housing, job training and employment by partnering with business and local community resources." The significance did not escape me to the fact that I was contributing my time to a cause that was ongoing for years here in Jacksonville, Florida. I learned about the history of the Clara White Mission that can be found at: and through a tour of the facilities. Because of the dedication, passion and purpose of the workers they support the cause of helping those who need these services to survive. Without these services the homeless would be challenged more so to find food, shelter and community services. In 2003, 17,500 people experienced homelessness in Jacksonville, 86 percent more people than in 2000, these men and women may have been business owners themselves,
( Because of our current economic volatility there are more homeless on our streets and in our shelters and homeless centers, the numbers are growing across this country. We can see the ravages of the economic struggles as businesses are going under each and every day.
Many of the homeless are located in downtown and at the beaches of our city. In our schools there are children and young adults who are homeless, and sit in our classrooms trying to better themselves through the educational system of our public schools. Regardless of their conditions they work to improve life for themselves and families through the educational opportunities that are available. That is why this challenge is the responsibility of all businesses small or large.
I cannot afford to judge anyone, nor look down on those who are homeless. I don’t know their struggles, challenges nor do I know their medical or financial circumstances. That is not my place to question, but as a business owner it is my responsibility and our responsibility as national community to help those who need help in living and surviving until they can provide for themselves. Even if it is volunteering time to feed those who do not have the resources to feed themselves, how close are we to joblessness and homelessness?
I do not know the stories of these men, women and in some cases children, but can visually witness the struggles that many face in this volatile economic and political change we are experiencing. I can only say for myself that I have a greater appreciation for my blessings in serving my church and working in an industry (education) that has a direct impact on the lives of children and adults.As I drive to work on some occasions I see some of these same individuals going about their day to day activities while I work to shape young lives the best that I can and in turn pray for the children that are faced with hunger, homelessness and other challenges that I cannot imagine. There are many of our leaders who are proponents to volunteering time in community service: John F. Kennedy, Jr., Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and now President-elect Barack Obama. Many of us including myself are just a pay check or pay checks away from financial chaos if struck with a medical or financial setback. There are no bail outs for us only hard work, cutting back on expenses, budgeting our earnings, and prayer, but the homeless have no where to go, we cannot wish them away, put them in situations of incarceration with over crowding jail cells or move them to other cities that are hurting also. The majority are the products of our own communities and may have been our neighbours or family members. There is no place for them to go except in many cases the streets. We as a community that can support Jaguars, Gators, Ospreys, Seminoles, Hokies, Bulldogs, Tigers and others in physical and emotional pursuits of entertainment should be able to support those that at one time or another may have sat beside us, ate with us, worshipped with us, taught us, serviced our cars and our physical ailments in hospitals now need our help.
Volunteer some time to help those who you pass by every day and may at one time themselves or someone like them helped you or had been a blessing to you before the ravages of life and situations contributed to their current lifestyle of unemployment and homelessness. How can we sit in our homes, condos, and apartments and eat, drink and claim to be appreciative without sharing our time with those who need just a small amount of time to feed them, talk to them and encourage them. Our titles, jobs, degrees, political and religious affiliations do not place us above anyone, when it comes down to it we are all close enough to financial ruin to see a possible heartfelt situation for ourselves and our families.
This new year season we should not only pray and give thanks for ourselves and families, but provide some time to help those who just need a hand, a hand to pass them a hot plate, a warm blanket, or a friendly handshake. We are all thankful for our blessings, but now we should also think how we can bless others because it only takes a few challenges in our lives and we may be facing homelessness or the loss of a vehicle, a job or more.
William Jackson, M.Ed.
"Copyright William Jackson, All Rights Reserved 2008"
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